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but exactly how do i install pov 3.5 beta on linux?
can some one provide me with a command for the instal thingy that will do
the magic, placing povray in the genrally accepted location (where ever
that may be)
oh, and how about command for a test render (in X)
Ta :)
Kitty5 WebDesign - http://Kitty5.com
POV-Ray News & Resources - http://Povray.co.uk
TEL : +44 (01270) 501101 - FAX : +44 (01270) 251105 - ICQ : 15776037
PGP Public Key
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On Thu, 07 Mar 2002 23:37:07 +0000, Rick [Kitty5] wrote:
> but exactly how do i install pov 3.5 beta on linux?
> can some one provide me with a command for the instal thingy that will do
> the magic, placing povray in the genrally accepted location (where ever
> that may be)
> oh, and how about command for a test render (in X)
> Ta :)
My prompt looks like this: [sjlen:sjlen]$
and consits of username:directory.
[sjlen:sjlen]$ tar -xzvf povlinux.tgz
listing from the tar command appears here.
[sjlen:sjlen]$ cd povray35/
[sjlen:povray35]$ su
Password: ##### type root's password here.
[root@zero-pps povray35]# ./install
[root@zero-pps povray35]# exit
[sjlen:povray35]$ cd ##### takes you back home.
[sjlen:sjlen]$ cd pov ##### directory where I know there are .pov files.
[sjlen:pov]$ povray -ipovtest.pov
And it goes and renders. In X and in the console the comandline is the
You could check out my PovMenu system for RXVTs if you like, but when
you're just starting out with it it's probably bes to mess about with
the command line.
You should have a .povrayrc file in your home directory.
Hope some of this helps.
<50,-2,50>pigment{checker/*\__\\__/ * \_\\__*/scale 2}finish{ambient.7}}
light_source/*__\\__\\__\\__\\__\( ~ )\__\\__\\__\\__\\*/{<2,5,1>*4,1}
/*\\__\\__\\__\\__\\__\\__\\__\\__\~ -/__\\__\\__\\__\\__\\*//* Steve */
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On Fri, 08 Mar 2002 01:45:17 +0000, Steve wrote:
> On Thu, 07 Mar 2002 23:37:07 +0000, Rick [Kitty5] wrote:
>> but exactly how do i install pov 3.5 beta on linux?
>> can some one provide me with a command for the instal thingy that will
>> do the magic, placing povray in the genrally accepted location (where
>> ever that may be)
>> oh, and how about command for a test render (in X)
>> Ta :)
> [root@zero-pps povray35]# ./install
thats where i was going wrong!, i missed the ./ off!
great, it winges about not finding files in the library path, and ini
problems (ie lack of) but i cen get it going from here :)
btw, while i am on the subject, i remember povray 2.2 for dos having a
nice coulouful stats screen while rendering, nothing like that on the
linux version i assume?
Kitty5 WebDesign - http://Kitty5.com
POV-Ray News & Resources - http://Povray.co.uk
TEL : +44 (01270) 501101 - FAX : +44 (01270) 251105 - ICQ : 15776037
PGP Public Key
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Steve <ste### [at] zeroppsuklinuxnet> wrote:
> [sjlen:pov]$ povray -ipovtest.pov
[sjlen:pov]$ povray povtest.pov
You can use filename completion that way.
#macro N(D)#if(D>99)cylinder{M()#local D=div(D,104);M().5,2pigment{rgb M()}}
N(D)#end#end#macro M()<mod(D,13)-6mod(div(D,13)8)-3,10>#end blob{
N(11117333955)N(4254934330)N(3900569407)N(7382340)N(3358)N(970)}// - Warp -
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On Fri, 08 Mar 2002 10:42:45 +0000, Rick [Kitty5] wrote:
> btw, while i am on the subject, i remember povray 2.2 for dos having a
> nice coulouful stats screen while rendering, nothing like that on the
> linux version i assume?
Don't know about this, I've never tried the histogram thingie whatever
that is. And the -h version doesn't seem to work in thes version, so not
as easy to find out about command line options quickly.
#local i=.1;#local I=(i/i)/i;#local l=(i+i)/i;#local ll=(I/i)/l;box{<-ll,
-((I/I)+l),-ll><ll,-l,ll>pigment{checker scale l}finish{ambient((I/l)/I)+
(l/I)}}sphere{<i-i,l-l,(I/l)>l/l pigment{rgb((I/l)/I)}finish{reflection((
I/l)/I)-(l/I)specular(I/l)/I}}light_source{<I-l,I+I,(I-l)/l>l/l} // Steve
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On Fri, 08 Mar 2002 10:42:45 +0000, "Rick [Kitty5]" <ric### [at] kitty5com>
>btw, while i am on the subject, i remember povray 2.2 for dos having a
>nice coulouful stats screen while rendering, nothing like that on the
>linux version i assume?
DOS had a fixed-size window, and who knows how big your console will
Peter Popov ICQ : 15002700
Personal e-mail : pet### [at] vipbg
TAG e-mail : pet### [at] tagpovrayorg
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>>btw, while i am on the subject, i remember povray 2.2 for dos having a
>>nice coulouful stats screen while rendering, nothing like that on the
>>linux version i assume?
> DOS had a fixed-size window, and who knows how big your console will be?
no it didnt :)
Kitty5 WebDesign - http://Kitty5.com
POV-Ray News & Resources - http://Povray.co.uk
TEL : +44 (01270) 501101 - FAX : +44 (01270) 251105 - ICQ : 15776037
PGP Public Key
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On Sun, 10 Mar 2002 00:05:29 +0000, "Rick [Kitty5]" <ric### [at] kitty5com>
>> DOS had a fixed-size window, and who knows how big your console will be?
>no it didnt :)
OK, a few fixed sizes then :) It's not as if you could drag the corner
of your SSH console window and make your screen 200x6 or something
like that.
Peter Popov ICQ : 15002700
Personal e-mail : pet### [at] vipbg
TAG e-mail : pet### [at] tagpovrayorg
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>>> DOS had a fixed-size window, and who knows how big your console will
>>> be?
>>no it didnt :)
> OK, a few fixed sizes then :) It's not as if you could drag the corner
> of your SSH console window and make your screen 200x6 or something like
> that.
My xterms have a fixed width tho....
Kitty5 WebDesign - http://Kitty5.com
POV-Ray News & Resources - http://Povray.co.uk
TEL : +44 (01270) 501101 - FAX : +44 (01270) 251105 - ICQ : 15776037
PGP Public Key
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Rick [Kitty5] <ric### [at] kitty5com> wrote:
> My xterms have a fixed width tho....
How is this possible? Every xterm I have seen has a completely free size.
#macro M(A,N,D,L)plane{-z,-9pigment{mandel L*9translate N color_map{[0rgb x]
[1rgb 9]}scale<D,D*3D>*1e3}rotate y*A*8}#end M(-3<1.206434.28623>70,7)M(
-1<.7438.1795>1,20)M(1<.77595.13699>30,20)M(3<.75923.07145>80,99)// - Warp -
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