POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.unix : What is the latest build of Pov-Ray that one may work with on Solaris Server Time
23 Dec 2024 13:22:29 EST (-0500)
  What is the latest build of Pov-Ray that one may work with on Solaris (Message 1 to 1 of 1)  
From: Dennis Clarke
Subject: What is the latest build of Pov-Ray that one may work with on Solaris
Date: 20 Mar 2004 16:00:10
Message: <Pine.GSO.4.58.0403201558150.28017@blastwave>
Just curious if the source has been updated or am I still on 3.50c ?

Also, have the make files been fixed ?

Dennis Clarke               Director and Admin for Blastwave.org
                            Home of Community Software Packages
dcl### [at] blastwaveorg       for The Solaris Operating Environment
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