Since I was not poving that much since I updated to Ubuntu 14.04, I
didn't notice an annoying problem with the default package: it flickers
a lot when redrawing the window contents as you are editing a file. The
best solution I found was to remove the default package and then install
SciTE from sources. Here is a quick how-to of the process:
+ Download the latest sources from here:
+ Install the GTK2 libraries:
sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0
+ Then follow the README on the SciTE sources to compile:
cd scintilla/gtk
cd ../..
and then:
cd scite/gtk
sudo make install
+ Now, the pov support is disabled by default, so:
run SciTE as root (sudo SciTE)
go to Options->Open Global Options file
remove pov from imports.exclude
save global options file
+ Also, the existing pov.properties file seems to be missing the part to
tell SciTE to see pov files as source files:
run SciTE as root
go to Options->Edit properties->open pov.properties
add this line after the file.patterns.pov line:
save pov.properties file and exit
+ Now run it as your regular user and everything should work fine.
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