Povray for Windows comes with a nice set of ready-made scenes (available
in the Insert sub menu).
I wonder if (and then where) they are available for other ports,
including the unix port ?
why such segregation ?
Should I complain in beta-test ?
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Am 18.07.2012 11:03, schrieb Le_Forgeron:
> Hello,
> Povray for Windows comes with a nice set of ready-made scenes (available
> in the Insert sub menu).
> I wonder if (and then where) they are available for other ports,
> including the unix port ?
> why such segregation ?
Strictly speaking only a few of them are scenes; most are mere code
snippets. They're a feature of the editor, so as the Unix version does
not come with an editor... well, you guess.
Might make sense in the long run though to move the code snippets to
some directory that's included in the Unix version as well - maybe some
"scenes/snippets" - so that they can be used with external editors that
provide similar features.
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