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From: Jörg 'Yadgar' Bleimann
Subject: PoV-Ray 3.7 installation revisited
Date: 11 Feb 2012 17:15:41
Message: <4f36e88d@news.povray.org>
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After I tragically wrecked the mainboard of my PoV-Ray machine, I had to
buy another (2nd hand) computer to have at least an alternative to the
tiny 256 MB Windows XP laptop on which I write this message...
But the Ethernet interface of that Celeron/1800 MHz turned out to be
faulty, so I am not able to automatically update the Linux installation
(which originally contains no PoV-Ray, neither 3.6 nor 3.7) via the
To install 3.7 once more, I would have to know which boost libraries
precisely are necessary for that - simply installing everything boost*
probably might be cumbersome...
See you in Khyberspace!
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Jörg 'Yadgar' Bleimann <yaz### [at] gmxde> wrote:
> simply installing everything boost*
> probably might be cumbersome...
I'd say it's the opposite: Installing everything is much simpler than
trying to hand-pick whatever povray needs in particular.
- Warp
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From: Jörg 'Yadgar' Bleimann
Subject: Re: PoV-Ray 3.7 installation revisited
Date: 18 Feb 2012 20:41:46
Message: <4f40535a$1@news.povray.org>
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On 12.02.2012 07:20, Warp wrote:
> I'd say it's the opposite: Installing everything is much simpler than
> trying to hand-pick whatever povray needs in particular.
Meanwhile (with another scrapyard computer bought for 10 euros, an
Athlon XP 2000+ with 512 MB RAM), the Internet connection has somewhat
returned to normal (still slow, but at least it does not stall anymore -
could also have been a firmware problem with the DSL router).
After re-installing Debian aptosid "Imera" and doing a full apt-get
dist-upgrade, I'm once more quite clueless how to proceed with PoV-Ray
3.7 RC3... meanwhile, aptosid's handling of the boost packages seems to
have changed - when I try apt-get install boost* now, I get a long list
of packages conflicting with already installed "46" versions of them:
How should I proceed now?
See you in Khyberspace!
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Le 19/02/2012 02:41, Jörg 'Yadgar' Bleimann nous fit lire :
> Hi(gh)!
> On 12.02.2012 07:20, Warp wrote:
>> I'd say it's the opposite: Installing everything is much simpler than
>> trying to hand-pick whatever povray needs in particular.
> After re-installing Debian aptosid "Imera" and doing a full apt-get
> dist-upgrade, I'm once more quite clueless how to proceed with PoV-Ray
> 3.7 RC3... meanwhile, aptosid's handling of the boost packages seems to
> have changed - when I try apt-get install boost* now, I get a long list
> of packages conflicting with already installed "46" versions of them:
> How should I proceed now?
Install the meta-package for 1.46 or 1.48, not both.
Details for an Ubuntu (without io restrictons, personal taste):
> From a fresh install of Ubuntu (11.10, Oneiric Oslo)
> Install (with all dependencies):
> g++
> libboost-all-dev
> libpng12-dev
> libjpeg62-dev
> libtiff4-dev
> libopenexr-dev
> libsdl1.2-dev
> Get the sources (wget
http://www.povray.org/redirect/www.povray.org/beta/source/povray-3.7.0.RC4.tar.gz )
> Extract them (tar -xzf povray-3.7.0.RC4.tar.gz )
> Enter directory (cd povray-3.7.0.RC4 )
> Configure ( ./configure COMPILED_BY="Grimbert Jérôme <jgr### [at] freefr>"
--disable-io-restrictions )
> Build (make -j 12 )
> Check (make check )
> Install (sudo make install )
> Get back ownership of your .povray subtree ( sudo chown -R jerome:jerome
~/.povray )
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From: Jörg 'Yadgar' Bleimann
Subject: Re: PoV-Ray 3.7 installation revisited
Date: 10 Mar 2012 09:42:21
Message: <4f5b684d@news.povray.org>
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Please excuse the late reply...
Am 21.02.2012 20:26, schrieb Le_Forgeron:
> Install the meta-package for 1.46 or 1.48, not both.
> Details for an Ubuntu (without io restrictons, personal taste):
>> From a fresh install of Ubuntu (11.10, Oneiric Oslo)
>> Install (with all dependencies):
>> g++
>> libboost-all-dev
>> libpng12-dev
>> libjpeg62-dev
>> libtiff4-dev
>> libopenexr-dev
>> libsdl1.2-dev
Sounds interesting - but my distro is Debian aptosid rather than Ubuntu!
I know that Ubuntu is also a branch a Debian, but...
See you in Khyberspace!
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