I just downloaded 3.7, and when I tried to render an image I got "this
pre-release version of POV-Ray for Unix has expired"
So, I go to povray.org and on the beta page it says, "The Linux beta 26
will be available shortly. In the meantime, please use beta 25 with the
expiry extension feature (see below)." I can't find any info on how to
extend the expiration date anywhere on the page. Am I missing something?
Thanx in advance,
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Eric <Scu### [at] yahoocom> wrote:
> I just downloaded 3.7, and when I tried to render an image I got "this
> pre-release version of POV-Ray for Unix has expired"
> So, I go to povray.org and on the beta page it says, "The Linux beta 26
> will be available shortly. In the meantime, please use beta 25 with the
> expiry extension feature (see below)." I can't find any info on how to
> extend the expiration date anywhere on the page. Am I missing something?
- Warp
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