POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.unix : wierd behavior after compiling on Fedora 38 : Re: wierd behavior after compiling on Fedora 38 Server Time
3 Dec 2024 22:58:31 EST (-0500)
  Re: wierd behavior after compiling on Fedora 38  
From: William F Pokorny
Date: 2 Oct 2023 07:30:27
Message: <651aa9d3$1@news.povray.org>
On 10/1/23 23:09, William F Pokorny wrote:
> That you see green with the sphere scene test is fair confirmation 
> whatever is happening is related to bounding(a).
> POV-Ray ships with two bounding methods (1 & 2). What happens if you 
> switch to bounding method two using the flag +bm2 ?

Awoke with a few additional thoughts in my head.

1) That +bm2 is a run time, command line flag passed to povray.

2) You could also try the run time flag, -mb, which in v3.7/v3.8 
official versions of POV-Ray turns off most bounding - but not all of it 
as happens in v3.6 and prior. The renders would be slow, but if they 
aren't blank, this would tell us something I guess.

3) You could try my 'povr' fork of POV-Ray... You can find the latest 
source build tarball at:


My version of POV-Ray does NOT yet have the OpenEXR 3.1 patches needed 
to compile and use that library - because I'm not immediately set up to 
test them.

It does have many updates related to the build process and the source 

Take care to not do a 'make install' with it, but rather the test would be:

./configure -q COMPILED_BY="RSM_noEXR" --without-openexr
make -j4
make check

4) It sank in that while the fedora version you have is old, most 
everything else you are using with respect to compiler and libraries is 
recent. Maybe something in all that. I'd make a small bet on boost being 
the culprit, if so.

Bill P.

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