POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.unix : wierd behavior after compiling on Fedora 38 : Re: wierd behavior after compiling on Fedora 38 Server Time
3 Dec 2024 21:12:51 EST (-0500)
  Re: wierd behavior after compiling on Fedora 38  
From: William F Pokorny
Date: 1 Oct 2023 23:09:06
Message: <651a3452$1@news.povray.org>
On 10/1/23 15:45, RSM wrote:
> Bill
> when i rendered the test.pov image the png file was entirely green.
> /usr/local/bin/povray test.pov
> another wierd thing that i am noticing with the povray website is that when i
> visit the unix section of the list. and choose my original message it only shows
> two of the messages however when i go to the recent threads page i see all of
> the replies.
> i tried pointing to the povray binary directly when i rendered a scene and it
> produced a white image

Unsure about the web site issue. I mostly use thunderbird. Going to to 
web site forum interface just now (using firefox), I see in the unix 
newsgroup 13 totals posts in this thread - which matches what I see via 
thunderbird though as a couple branches from your original post. So, 
things look OK to me.

Aside: Posts on a topic end up presented as a single sequence on the web 
site interface no matter the newsgroup's hierarchy for the topic.


That you see green with the sphere scene test is fair confirmation 
whatever is happening is related to bounding(a).

POV-Ray ships with two bounding methods (1 & 2). What happens if you 
switch to bounding method two using the flag +bm2 ?

Bill P.

(a) - I have not even a guess as to cause...

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