Documenting something I see for whoever might trip over it later.
I've been working toward a cut down *nix only 'povray'. We today have
precomp.h and precomp.ccp files which look to be trying to precompile
common c/c++ headers for faster developer compiles. As set up this
mechanism does not work for *nix compiles. We get an 'empty' precomp.o
in each directory which is more or less harmless except for a little
compile time and...
Supposing the precomp.h and precomp.ccp mechanism does work with windows
compiles, it might explain why, back when Christoph added the user
defined camera for the ODS camera work we hit that *nix only issue with
abs() not resolving to fabs(). I've since had this itch we might have
floating about similar *nix particular exposures due header inclusion
Bill P.
(1) - Potentially where, in the code, not using std::<function>
namespace names.
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