On 10/02/2018 11:53 AM, Le_Forgeron wrote:
> Le 02/10/2018 à 13:11, Le Forgeron a écrit :
>> Le 01/10/2018 à 20:29, jr a écrit :
>>> hi,
>>> clipka <ano### [at] anonymous org> wrote:
>>>> Am 01.10.2018 um 18:36 schrieb jr:
>>>>> I think POV-Ray does not "do" X at all, the last version (I have
>>>>> access to)
>>>>> which does is 3.6.1. from 3.7.x it uses the SDL instead. a real
>>>>> pity because
>>>>> if POV-Ray output to an actual X window, knocking up front-ends a la
>>>>> 'qtpovray'
>>>>> would be doable in a(ny) number of (scripting) languages, with a
>>>>> single
>>>>> supporting command line switch (cf 'xterm -into $id').
>>>>> (also, why SDL in the first place? all the joystick and audio etc
>>>>> facilities,
>>>>> unused. yet, no preview without)
>>>> I'm pretty sure it was primarily a matter of maintainability. And with
>>>> SDL being able to drive Xlib, my naive assumption as a Windows jockey is
>>>> that it /should/ still work.
>>> I did have a look at the API (some time ago, not long after installing
>>> 3.7), as
>>> I recall there is no way of telling SDL to use a given window (id).
>> what about SDL_CreateWindowFrom() ? (just googling libsdl)
>> The main issue with SDL so far in povray is the lack of title for the
>> render window.
>> I need to investigate SDL_SetWindowTitle()
>> https://wiki.libsdl.org/SDL_SetWindowTitle
> Ok, SDL2 has a migration guide and it will not be a five minutes patch
> for Povray.
> https://wiki.libsdl.org/MigrationGuide?highlight=%28SDL_WM_SetCaption%29
> Most calls made in Povray have been updated to new functions, so there
> might be a bit of change in logic too, and a
needhttps://github.com/POV-Ray/povray/issues/345 for detecting libsdl2
> along with libsdl1.2 (none, either or both might be present)
Just a note another user already has a branch of POV-Ray running with
SDL2. See the closed issue:
and specifically the comments at the bottom for some details.
-------- Additional rambling
Prior to learning of the above implementation, I tried to get an SDL2
option, still with SDL1.2 still as the default, compiling and running
but failed. I wasn't going for a straight map though, but rather an
update to newer functions both due the migration recommendations and
also was trying to push today's *nix image window scaling completely
into SDL2. To advertising anyway - such SDL2 scaling can be done so as
to use available GPUs on a system over the CPU.
I also had in mind some beeping and stuff(1)... :-)
Aside: For a quick idea of the underlying complexity SDL1.2/2 today
handles, issue the command:
sdl2-config --static-libs
Related: The POV-Ray static linking with SDL2 is something I could not
get working (Ubuntu 16.04) because a few of the software package owners
of SDL2 dependencies have decided providing static libraries is bad for
security (truth there, but...). There are options to statically link
what you can and dynamically the rest - but I couldn't get that working
quickly either.
Bill P.
(1) - Mouse, pad or keyboard input to POV-Ray configured so as to run in
an interactive loop isn't all that crazy an idea as a way to enable
simple modeling capabilities that would be as portable as is
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