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From: Thomas de Groot
Subject: Re: Dynamic Hair and PoseRay
Date: 10 Nov 2011 03:26:27
Message: <4ebb8ab3@news.povray.org>
On 9-11-2011 22:23, TawnyOwl wrote:
> I really hope I can achieve the goal.

You are well on the way.

> So, now I have a first EIP (as I put it: experiment in progress) and will put it
> into the p.b.i as a response to the picture of Thomas. This one will make my
> intentions a little bit more clear I hope. It is only the "`hair"'. I hope you
> can imagine a female head looking to te upper left inside of it. I mixed up some
> memories in my head from my first approach at the beginning of the year and was
> a little bit confused about the results I achieved. FlyerX is right in saying
> that 30 breaks are to much - an error of me -, but as is obvious in the picture
> six are not enough. The problem turned out more to be a problem with an
> appropriate texture than with the breaks or the support points in poser. Of
> course I will hair and not red ribbons, but this one comes close to my
> intentions. And I must comb her a little bit more ...

A few thoughts that come to mind:

- Using only 6 breaks, you could then subdivide the resulting curly mesh 
in Poseray, using the Smooth (Loop's algorithm) option, taking care to 
uncheck the Keep mesh creases box. Start with one subdivision and see 
how it goes. Be careful to switch off all other objects you may have in 
your model, as they would also be subdivided, and you may not want that 
to happen.

- Texturing the hair is indeed a real headache. I am still experimenting 
with that and it is not easy especially as the tubes are not uv-mapped. 
I have tried the wood pattern however with an acceptable result. In your 
case, maybe an onion pattern with adequate warping might do the trick. A 
spherical pattern might be even better. This is something we need to 
investigate. I am busy now on building a sphinx ;-) but I shall 
experiment more with this later.

> When I'm through it, I will give you the final result. But have some patience...

Please do. This is *science* in progress ;-)


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From: TawnyOwl
Subject: Re: Dynamic Hair and PoseRay
Date: 10 Nov 2011 14:05:01
Message: <web.4ebc1eba2b1201fb80ccb1a0@news.povray.org>
Hm, hm, hm,

I didn't like to correct you, but the tubes are uv-mapped which allowed for my
cheap trick. I used the "sausages" by intention and created a very simple
texture with my favorite graphics software:

#include "colors.inc"

   location <0,0,-1000>
   look_at <0,0,0>

   right 1024*x
   up 1024*y
light_source { <0,0,-1000>, color White }

box { <-1024,-100,-1>,<1024,50,1> rotate <0,0,-45> translate <0,512,0> pigment {
color Red } }
box { <-1024,-100,-1>,<1024,50,1> rotate <0,0,-45> translate <0,-512,0> pigment
{ color Red } }

I saved it as a GIF (teststraehne.gif) and used the following texture for the

#declare tube_material1_=
texture{ uv_mapping pigment { image_map { gif "teststraehne.gif" transmit 0,1  }
scale <1,1/16,1>}
        finish{specular 0 roughness 0.09632328 ambient rgb <0.00,0.00,0.00>
diffuse 0.6   reflection{0 } conserve_energy}}

That's all.


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From: TawnyOwl
Subject: Re: Dynamic Hair and PoseRay
Date: 10 Nov 2011 14:20:00
Message: <web.4ebc22a92b1201fb80ccb1a0@news.povray.org>
I apologize, it was scale <1/16,1,1> in the scale-statement. Sorry,

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From: Thomas de Groot
Subject: Re: Dynamic Hair and PoseRay
Date: 11 Nov 2011 03:21:37
Message: <4ebcdb11$1@news.povray.org>
On 10-11-2011 19:59, TawnyOwl wrote:
> Hm, hm, hm,
> I didn't like to correct you, but the tubes are uv-mapped which allowed for my
> cheap trick. I used the "sausages" by intention and created a very simple
> texture with my favorite graphics software:

Oops! Now, why did I think the tubes were not uv-mapped?!? [bangs head 
against the screen]

That means one can also use trans maps!

> #include "colors.inc"
> camera{
>     orthographic
>     location<0,0,-1000>
>     look_at<0,0,0>
>     right 1024*x
>     up 1024*y
> }
> light_source {<0,0,-1000>, color White }
> box {<-1024,-100,-1>,<1024,50,1>  rotate<0,0,-45>  translate<0,512,0>  pigment {
> color Red } }
> box {<-1024,-100,-1>,<1024,50,1>  rotate<0,0,-45>  translate<0,-512,0>  pigment
> { color Red } }
> I saved it as a GIF (teststraehne.gif) and used the following texture for the
> tubes:
> #declare tube_material1_=
> material{
> texture{ uv_mapping pigment { image_map { gif "teststraehne.gif" transmit 0,1  }
> scale<1,1/16,1>}
>          finish{specular 0 roughness 0.09632328 ambient rgb<0.00,0.00,0.00>
> diffuse 0.6   reflection{0 } conserve_energy}}
> }

Thanks! I'll check this out.


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From: Thomas de Groot
Subject: Re: Dynamic Hair and PoseRay
Date: 11 Nov 2011 03:53:29
Message: <4ebce289$1@news.povray.org>
image_map { gif "teststraehne.gif" transmit 0,1  }

should be: image_map { gif "teststraehne.gif" interpolate 2 transmit all 
0.1 }

otherwise one gets an error message.

Tell me what you think about this texture:

#declare tube_material1_=
material {
   texture {
     pigment {
       pigment_map {
         [0.00 srgb <251, 207, 140>/255 filter 0.5]
         [0.50 srgb <171,  77,  14>/255 filter 0.5]
         [1.00 srgb <  0,   0,   0>/255 filter 0.5]
       scale <0.05, 10, 0.05>
       warp {turbulence 0.5}
       translate <3, 0, 2>
     finish {
       specular 0.07843137
       roughness 0.005259534
       diffuse 0.6


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From: TawnyOwl
Subject: Re: Dynamic Hair and PoseRay
Date: 13 Nov 2011 14:50:00
Message: <web.4ec01eeb2b1201fb3d22098b0@news.povray.org>
Thomas de Groot <tenDOTlnDOTretniATtoorgedDOTt> wrote:
> image_map { gif "teststraehne.gif" transmit 0,1  }
> should be: image_map { gif "teststraehne.gif" interpolate 2 transmit all
> 0.1 }
> otherwise one gets an error message.
> Tell me what you think about this texture:
> #declare tube_material1_=
> material {
>    texture {
>      uv_mapping
>      pigment {
>        wood
>        pigment_map {
>          [0.00 srgb <251, 207, 140>/255 filter 0.5]
>          [0.50 srgb <171,  77,  14>/255 filter 0.5]
>          [1.00 srgb <  0,   0,   0>/255 filter 0.5]
>        }
>        scale <0.05, 10, 0.05>
>        warp {turbulence 0.5}
>        translate <3, 0, 2>
>      }
>      finish {
>        specular 0.07843137
>        roughness 0.005259534
>        diffuse 0.6
>      }
>    }
> }
> Thomas

It looks pretty good. I've posted an image with it to the p.b.i. I have doubled
the length of the hair and used twice as much as in the red ribbon version
(density some 800 in poser). And I raised the breaks from 6 to 18.

Thanks a lot,

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