A project I've been poking around at some is extracting the terrain data
from Skyrim, converting it to obj with NifSkope, then converting it to
udo for loading into Moray.
Problem is, there's 2,304 of them at the highest detail level, and to
make them easier to manage within Moray I decided to group them into 4x8
sections (I originally wanted to do 8x8, but there were issues with
memory or going over a number boundary or something, in PoseRay I
think). This involves loading each mesh into PoseRay, offsetting its
position so the result is a contiguous bit of landscape.
Doing this by hand for each and every mesh is a pain.
What would be really handy is a way to say "load these obj files, then
offset them in a grid pattern so much by so much apart". Or, in a
radial pattern, or a random pattern over a particular area, so you could
automate to an extent if it's a set of objects you aren't needing to
fine-tune their positions once they're in Moray, just want them set up once.
Any chance of something like that being considered to be added at any
point to Povray? Thanks!
Tim Cook
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On 2012-09-01 20:52, Tim Cook wrote:
> Any chance of something like that being considered to be added at any
> point to Povray? Thanks!
Typo pointed out to me, I meant PoseRay here, not Povray. <_<
Tim Cook
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