Good evening / good day
I would like to create a couple of test files for the Blender addon. ideally
they would have to look nice and render fast. So this is a first step in the
first file, which renders really slowly. I guess there's room for improvement if
we set the anti aliasing to method 2 (stochastic) since the scene uses aperture
(camera depth of field)... But I'd rather wait for a couple of crossplatform
builds of v3.8 to be available before switching this option on. Meanwhile I
believe there could be more tweaks already available in version 3.7 that could
improve render time at not too high of a quality expense ? Some more seasoned
users will probably spot bad defaults or wrong options to modify from the
scene's statistics below before next iteration? thanks in advance !
Parser Statistics
Finite Objects: 129
Infinite Objects: 0
Light Sources: 1
Total: 130
BSP Split Nodes: 295
BSP Object Nodes: 280
BSP Empty Nodes: 16
BSP Total Nodes: 591
BSP Objects/Node Average: 3.59 Maximum: 15
BSP Tree Depth Average: 12.34 Maximum: 18
BSP Max Depth Stopped Nodes: 0 (0.0%) Objects/Node: 0.00
Parser Time
Parse Time: 0 hours 0 minutes 5 seconds (5.937 seconds)
using 1 thread(s) with 5.928 CPU-seconds total
Bounding Time: 0 hours 0 minutes 0 seconds (0.000 seconds)
using 1 thread(s) with 0.000 CPU-seconds total
Render Options
Quality: 9
Bounding boxes.......On Bounding threshold: 3
Antialiasing.........On (Method 2, Threshold 0.030, Depth 1, Jitter Off,
Gamma 2.50)
Render Statistics
Image Resolution 960 x 540
Pixels: 553521 Samples: 0 Smpls/Pxl: 0.00
Rays: 8985915 Saved: 258762 Max Level: 4/4
Ray->Shape Intersection Tests Succeeded Percentage
Mesh 217718609382 97646791188 44.85
Sphere 1402839410 0 0.00
Bounding Box 4414078518151 1486363038246 33.67
Shadow Ray Tests: 83585871495 Succeeded: 34847860902
Shadow Cache Hits: 29816821261
Reflected Rays: 3921023 Total Internal: 83274
Refracted Rays: 1187575
Radiosity samples calculated: 89 (0.00 %)
Radiosity samples reused: 23190843
Radiosity sample rays shot: 2670
Radiosity octree nodes: 24
Radiosity octree samples/node: 3.71
Radiosity blocks examined: 1543170794
Radiosity blocks passed test 0: 1543170794 (100.00 %)
Radiosity blocks passed test 1: 829683772 (53.76 %)
Radiosity blocks passed test 2: 555680174 (36.01 %)
Radiosity blocks passed test 3: 357767513 (23.18 %)
Radiosity blocks passed test 4: 310127134 (20.10 %)
Radiosity blocks passed test 5: 295010649 (19.12 %)
Radiosity blocks rejected: 1248160145 (80.88 %)
Radiosity Depth 0 calculated: 89 (0.00 %)
Radiosity Depth 0 reused: 23190843
Radiosity Depth 0 rays shot: 2670
Radiosity (final) calculated: 33 (0.00 %)
Radiosity (final) reused: 23106413
Radiosity (final) rays shot: 990
Pass Depth 0 Total
1 23 23
2 19 19
3 14 14
Final 33 33
Total 89 89
Weight 0.102
Peak memory used: 166371328 bytes
Render Time:
Photon Time: No photons
Radiosity Time: 0 hours 1 minutes 57 seconds (117.198 seconds)
using 8 thread(s) with 792.966 CPU-seconds total
Trace Time: 7 hours 51 minutes 48 seconds (28308.650 seconds)
using 8 thread(s) with 210100.333 CPU-seconds total
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