"Mr" <nomail@nomail> wrote:
> I take note of your attachment to POV-Ray booleans as a user and contributor and
> thereby put it as a number one priority on new features request list.
> Thanks for your enthusiasm. Please bear with me.
It is difficult for me to understand your code, it is very confused.
Objects used in Boolean operations shouldn't be declared in a scene, but have to
be declared.
Here to you my help:
render.py line 2539
for data_name, inst in data_ref.items():
for ob_name, matrix_str in inst:
use_in_boolean = 0
for obj in bpy.data.objects:
obj_name = "OB" +
if obj.type == 'MESH':
for mod in obj.modifiers:
numberModifiers = 0
if mod.type == 'BOOLEAN':
numberModifiers += 1
mod_obj_name = "OB" +
if mod_obj_name == ob_name:
use_in_boolean += 1
if numberModifiers > 0 and obj_name == ob_name:
use_in_boolean += 1
if use_in_boolean == 0:
tabWrite("//----Blender Object Name:%s----\n" % ob_name)
tabWrite("//----Declare Blender Object Name:%s----\n" %
tabWrite("#declare %s =\n" % data_name)
tabWrite("object { \n")
tabWrite("%s\n" % data_name)
tabWrite("%s\n" % matrix_str)
def exportBooleanObjects():
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> First of all, I'm very happy with current Blender exporter. I use it very
> extensively in paid work. I don't want it to be broken.
> However, if someone would be kind enough to add Povray native functionality,
> like Booleans, to it, I would be very happy. I currently use my own Python
> generator scripts when I need native Povray functionality (i.e. Booleans). Btw,
> the current Blender exporter supports adding "native" POV script too! :D
> Anyway, we should always respect other developers and remember that co-operation
> is very important. It is much better to have one exporter with trustworthy
> functionality than two half baked ones. Unnecessary competition can cause
> problems.
> I strongly suggest that Blender official routes are used as much as possible,
> then we can have continuity. In the long run, continuity means you have the
> tools even if someone is not willing to develop any more.
> Btw, I am really grateful of the things already achieved!
If I use Povray for a render, it is more convenient to me to use own version of
the exporter
But, if my version takes place to be for me, I offer it to another.
If users begin to ask very difficult texture map, developers of the official
version should reconsider the position.
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