POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.tools.general : POVColor 3 Prerelease available Server Time
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  POVColor 3 Prerelease available (Message 1 to 3 of 3)  
From: Allen
Subject: POVColor 3 Prerelease available
Date: 8 Nov 2006 03:10:01
Message: <web.45518f70b86af443a0aaba770@news.povray.org>
I have release a pre-release of POVColor 3.  It is just a zip file
containing a Windows executable.  Source can be downloaded from the SVN


A lot is not yet working.  There are not images for the list view, no
toolbar, menu items have no accelerator keys yet, and there is still a bit
of work to do.

As always, it can load and save directly in POV-Ray format.  Now it has can
have multiple files open at a time, and copy/paste between open files in
the same instance is possible.  Additionally, a copy code to clipboard has
been implemented to copy part of the item's POV code directly to the

The color dialog can load basic color sets and load and save custom color
For the map editor, zoom support is now available to zoom into fine areas.
The expression editor also has zoom support.  Expression information is not
saved to the output file, instead it is used once to create the map, and
once created the map can be edited as a map.

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From: Allen
Subject: Re: POVColor 3 Prerelease available
Date: 10 Nov 2006 13:55:01
Message: <web.4554caa5d6154a6df9aba3620@news.povray.org>
The second pre-release is now available.  Most of the functionality is
present.  Icons are visible in the list view, and a toolbar is visible.
Also, items can be sorted by name.

It is now possible to create multiple items with the same name.  Make sure
only one item per name is enabled when saving it.

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From: Allen
Subject: Re: POVColor 3 Prerelease available
Date: 16 Nov 2006 20:50:00
Message: <web.455d151dd6154a6d2aee32bd0@news.povray.org>
The third pre-release is now available.  The source code and a Windows
installer has been uploaded to the projects page:

This release includes support for the documentation and about dialog, as
well as basic multi-language support (no translations available yet).

Only one item of a given name can be enabled.  When causing an insert of an
item, when another item of the same name is enabled, the inserted item will
be disabled.  Also, enabling an item will automatically disable other items
with the same name.

File history has been added.  The output options dialog has been added and
the ability to select a languge or use the system default, but no
translations are yet available.

There are also other small changes that may not have been documented to
reported here.

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