POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.tools.general : POVColor 2.2, Linux supported Server Time
14 Mar 2025 09:49:55 EDT (-0400)
  POVColor 2.2, Linux supported (Message 1 to 1 of 1)  
From: Allen
Subject: POVColor 2.2, Linux supported
Date: 3 Apr 2006 21:45:00
Message: <web.4431cf18e76f861128f06d650@news.povray.org>
I have released POVColor 2.2 at http://sourceforge.net/projects/povcolor

Version 2.2 has been modified so the same source can compile the Windows and
Linux (GTK) versions.  The source contains a simple makefile for Linux
(wxGTK 2.6.3 required).  The Windows installer contains the Windows binary
and the source.  The Linux archive only contains the binaries/docs for it.

An earlier version of wxWidgets may be possible, but not before 2.6.0  In
2.6.0, the mouse wheel event is reported in screen positions.  When
compiling under 2.6.3, it is reported in window positions.

Under Linux, extract the archive to the directory of your choice (for
example, /opt/povcolor), and run the binary directly
(/opt/povcolor/bin/povcolor).  Do not create a soft or hard link to the
binary.  POVColor uses argv[0] and the current working directory to find
out where it is so it can find the documents.  If it thinks it is executed
as /bin/povcolor, even though it is a soft link to
/opt/povcolor/bin/povcolor, it will think the documents are under /docs.

POVColor is statically linked to wxGTK, but still needs GTK 2 installed.  I
have compiled and tested it on RedHat Linux 7.3

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