POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.tools.general : Tomleaf.inc (parse error?) Server Time
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  Tomleaf.inc (parse error?) (Message 1 to 3 of 3)  
From: Shirim9
Subject: Tomleaf.inc (parse error?)
Date: 29 Mar 2005 03:35:00
Message: <web.4249121f2fd09e6b714b3ccd0@news.povray.org>
Hi All,

I just started to play around with Povray and got interested in the TomTree
macro. But, somehow i got into a compilation error at these few lines of

 water_level .4
 translate <-.06,-.395,0>
 scale <1.15,1.75,1.>


The error is Parse error:  Not matching } in 'object', water_level found

To get around this problem, i simply commented these few lines of codes and
managed to compile it and got a really realistic tree!

But, just wondering did anyone encounter this problem and may have the
answers to solving this error?

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From: Ross
Subject: Re: Tomleaf.inc (parse error?)
Date: 30 Mar 2005 16:59:10
Message: <424b212e$1@news.povray.org>
"Shirim9" <ngk### [at] gmailcom> wrote in message
> Hi All,
> I just started to play around with Povray and got interested in the
> macro. But, somehow i got into a compilation error at these few lines of
> codes
> object
> {
>  water_level .4
>  translate <-.06,-.395,0>
>  scale <1.15,1.75,1.>
> }
> The error is Parse error:  Not matching } in 'object', water_level found
> instead
> To get around this problem, i simply commented these few lines of codes
> managed to compile it and got a really realistic tree!
> But, just wondering did anyone encounter this problem and may have the
> answers to solving this error?

I don't have tomtree, but i looks like it doesn't know what BODY is. judging
by the "water_level" keyword, it looks like it should be a heightfield.
That's about all I can guess.

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From: Jeremy M  Praay
Subject: Re: Tomleaf.inc (parse error?)
Date: 31 Mar 2005 08:59:39
Message: <424c024b@news.povray.org>
Someone might be able to give you a better answer, but from my experience, 
TomTree parse errors are generally due to missing the gif and tga files that 
come with TomTree.  These are used for the leaves and blossoms.  If you're 
not running Windows (e.g. your running Linux), it could be possible that 
it's a case sensitivity issue (LEAF.TGA does not equal LEAF.tga).


"Shirim9" <ngk### [at] gmailcom> wrote in message 
> Hi All,
> I just started to play around with Povray and got interested in the 
> TomTree
> macro. But, somehow i got into a compilation error at these few lines of
> codes
> object
> {
> water_level .4
> translate <-.06,-.395,0>
> scale <1.15,1.75,1.>
> }
> The error is Parse error:  Not matching } in 'object', water_level found
> instead
> To get around this problem, i simply commented these few lines of codes 
> and
> managed to compile it and got a really realistic tree!
> But, just wondering did anyone encounter this problem and may have the
> answers to solving this error?

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