POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.tools.general : povmodeler blank windows Server Time
14 Mar 2025 07:21:48 EDT (-0400)
  povmodeler blank windows (Message 1 to 1 of 1)  
From: Dick Balaska
Subject: povmodeler blank windows
Date: 22 Nov 2019 21:05:23
Message: <5dd893e3$1@news.povray.org>
I am having trouble with povmodeler.
I installed povmodeler-1.1.4-linuxmint-19.2.deb

When I run it, the 4 windows that I assume should be showing the model, 
are blank.  See attached.

I think it is an OpenGL init failure.  See text below.

$ povmodeler
qt5ct: using qt5ct plugin
qt5ct: D-Bus global menu: no
Asking for share context for widget that does not have a window handle
QOpenGLWidget: Cannot be used without a context shared with the toplevel.
PMSPhere::setUSteps: U must be greater than 1

PMSphere::setVSteps: V must be greater than 3

PMCylinder::setSteps: S must be greater than 3

PMCone::setSteps: S must be greater than 4

PMTorus::setUSteps: U must be greater than 1

PMTorus::setVSteps: V must be greater than 3

PMLathe::setSSteps: S must be greater than 0

PMLathe::setRSteps: R must be greater than 3

PMSurfaceOfRevolution::setSSteps: S must be greater than 0

PMSurfaceOfRevolution::setRSteps: R must be greater than 3

PMPrism::setSSteps: S must be greater than 0

PMPlane::setPlaneSize: Size must be greater than 0.1

PMDisc::setSteps: S must be greater than 3

PMBlobSphere::setUSteps: U must be greater than 1

PMBlobSphere::setVSteps: V must be greater than 3

PMBlobCylinder::setUSteps: U must be greater than 1

PMBlobCylinder::setVSteps: V must be greater than 3

PMSuperquadricEllipsoid::setUSteps: U must be greater than 1

PMSuperquadricEllipsoid::setVSteps: V must be greater than 1

PMSphereSweep::setRSteps: R must be greater than 3

PMSphereSweep::setSSteps: S must be greater than 0

PMHeightField::setVariance: V must be less than 52 & greater than 0

Asking for share context for widget that does not have a window handle
QOpenGLWidget: Cannot be used without a context shared with the toplevel.
Asking for share context for widget that does not have a window handle
QOpenGLWidget: Cannot be used without a context shared with the toplevel.
Asking for share context for widget that does not have a window handle
QOpenGLWidget: Cannot be used without a context shared with the toplevel.
Asking for share context for widget that does not have a window handle
QOpenGLWidget: Cannot be used without a context shared with the toplevel.

Rendered 26,985,830,400 of 49,882,521,600 pixels (54%)

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