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  Blender newsgroups (Message 1 to 7 of 7)  
Subject: Blender newsgroups
Date: 9 May 2006 05:55:14
Message: <44606702$1@news.povray.org>
Anyone know any blender newsgroups?

I get a headache from the Chat and Forums available :|


Jan Albartus

Mystery Of Time And Space - www.albartus.com/motas/
Inno Setup Script Includes - www.albartus.com/issi/
PAD-Publisher - www.albartus.com/pad/

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Subject: Re: Blender newsgroups
Date: 9 May 2006 10:22:03
Message: <4460a58b$1@news.povray.org>
Whoops I didn't notice the inactivity of this newsgroup :)


Jan Albartus

Mystery Of Time And Space - www.albartus.com/motas/
Inno Setup Script Includes - www.albartus.com/issi/
PAD-Publisher - www.albartus.com/pad/

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From: Dan Byers
Subject: Re: Blender newsgroups
Date: 9 May 2006 22:25:01
Message: <web.44614ed51eb0395211de2b70@news.povray.org>
"LOGAN" <nos### [at] albartusevery1net> wrote:
> Anyone know any blender newsgroups?


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Subject: Re: Blender newsgroups
Date: 9 May 2006 23:29:28
Message: <44615e18@news.povray.org>
> http://blenderartists.org/forums


forum != newsgroups

I keep looking, thanks again!


Jan Albartus

Mystery Of Time And Space - www.albartus.com/motas/
Inno Setup Script Includes - www.albartus.com/issi/
PAD-Publisher - www.albartus.com/pad/

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From: Jim Henderson
Subject: Re: Blender newsgroups
Date: 10 May 2006 11:44:23
Message: <pan.2006.>
If you're looking for development groups, try news.gmane.org - there's a
couple there that are gated from mailing lists.  Discussions there tend to
be around program usability and development rather than modelling, however
- not sure if it's what you're looking for, but maybe a question to the
blender-users group would be a good starting point.


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Subject: Re: Blender newsgroups
Date: 10 May 2006 16:05:23
Message: <44624783@news.povray.org>
> If you're looking for development groups, try news.gmane.org - there's a
> couple there that are gated from mailing lists.  Discussions there tend to
> be around program usability and development rather than modelling, however
> - not sure if it's what you're looking for, but maybe a question to the
> blender-users group would be a good starting point.

Thanks for your reply.

The Blender boards are big but web based (ie Forum). So I'm looking for the
biggest newsgroups available :)

(Usability, Developement, Modelling and GameDesign.


Jan Albartus

Mystery Of Time And Space - www.albartus.com/motas/
Inno Setup Script Includes - www.albartus.com/issi/
PAD-Publisher - www.albartus.com/pad/

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From: Jim Henderson
Subject: Re: Blender newsgroups
Date: 10 May 2006 17:12:24
Message: <pan.2006.>
On Wed, 10 May 2006 22:04:33 +0200, LOGAN wrote:

>> If you're looking for development groups, try news.gmane.org - there's a
>> couple there that are gated from mailing lists.  Discussions there tend to
>> be around program usability and development rather than modelling, however
>> - not sure if it's what you're looking for, but maybe a question to the
>> blender-users group would be a good starting point.
> Thanks for your reply.
> The Blender boards are big but web based (ie Forum). So I'm looking for the
> biggest newsgroups available :)
> (Usability, Developement, Modelling and GameDesign.

For those, look at gmane.  It is an NNTP interface - I use it a lot for
keeping up on a number of projects.  From the standpoint of what you're
looking for, usability and development fit in the existing groups out

In the last 30 days (I prune older messages than that),
gmane.comp.video.blender.devel has 407 messages, but
gmane.comp.video.blender.user has only one message.  But if you're
interested in development of Blender itself, the blender.devel group is
*the* place to participate. :-)

I also hate web-based forums, recently it seems VMware shut down their
news server and went strictly to web-based forums, which I absolutely
refuse to use - especially since there's software out there that provides
decent web front end to NNTP for those who want it (FUDForum seems to be
particularly good).


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