POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.tools.general : Mesh variable colors Server Time
14 Mar 2025 09:31:44 EDT (-0400)
  Mesh variable colors (Message 1 to 2 of 2)  
From: Bryan Valencia
Subject: Mesh variable colors
Date: 30 Mar 2006 15:57:12
Message: <442c4628$1@news.povray.org>
I have a mesh2 that I would like to repaint without creating multiple mesh2
objects in memory

Here;s the deal:

The mesh is a car I converted using PoseRay.  I want the windows/headlights
etc. to remain the same texture, but the car body to be randomized.

right now, I have:

object{ car translate... }

I would like to be able to re-color just the car body somehow without
creating multiple versions of the exact same mesh.

I thought of using a macro, but that would load the car in multiple times as
well, wouldn't it?

If I cant do what I want then perhaps I'll just make 5 or 6 versions and
randomly choose from them.

This scene requires many models of various cars to be placed, and I'd rather
not have to create each instance separately.

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From: Stephen
Subject: Re: Mesh variable colors
Date: 31 Mar 2006 04:00:01
Message: <web.442cef106987b145c6b359800@news.povray.org>
"Bryan Valencia" <pov### [at] spamgourmetcom> wrote:
> I have a mesh2 that I would like to repaint without creating multiple mesh2
> objects in memory
> Here;s the deal:
> The mesh is a car I converted using PoseRay.  I want the windows/headlights
> etc. to remain the same texture, but the car body to be randomized.
> right now, I have:
> object{ car translate... }
> I would like to be able to re-color just the car body somehow without
> creating multiple versions of the exact same mesh.
> I thought of using a macro, but that would load the car in multiple times as
> well, wouldn't it?
> If I cant do what I want then perhaps I'll just make 5 or 6 versions and
> randomly choose from them.
> This scene requires many models of various cars to be placed, and I'd rather
> not have to create each instance separately.

To start you off. If I remember correctly, PoseRay creates a separate INC
file with the material definitions. You can copy and rename this file. Edit
it then reference it in your object.


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