POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.tools.general : ANN: Leveller 2.5 available Server Time
14 Mar 2025 09:20:41 EDT (-0400)
  ANN: Leveller 2.5 available (Message 1 to 1 of 1)  
From: Ray Gardener
Subject: ANN: Leveller 2.5 available
Date: 7 Jul 2005 20:05:34
Message: <42cdc34e@news.povray.org>
The evolution of the species continues...

The Leveller 2.5 heightfield modeler is now available.
For existing 2.x users, a free update is available by contacting
sup### [at] daylongraphicscom. The 2.5 demo is available at

Main changes since 2.4:

- Graphics tablet support with brushsize/strength pressure sensitivity
- 16-bit selection masking (e.g., no feathering artifacts)
- Faster, multithreaded Rotate filter
- Faster brush tool operation
- Cached surface normals for fast dot-product lighting
- Gaussian Blur filter
- Motion Blur filter
- Radial Blur filter
- Zoom Blur filter
- Unsharp Mask filter
- Eyedropper tool
- Tween tool
- Smudge tool
- Global primary/secondary elevation settings
- More tool-scene pane interaction
- Renderer plug-ins
- Shadows in views and in raytracer
- Antialiased camera, lightsource, and brush reticle overlays
- General document annotations (e.g., author, copyright, notes)
- TER 6 document format (not openable by 2.4 or older)

New Craters plug-in; draws realistic and customizable craters

'Standard' raytracing shader provides ambient/diffuse/specular
lighting, and reflection/transparency.

'Snow' raytracing shader improved.

Ray Gardener
Daylon Graphics Ltd.
"Heightfield modeling perfected"

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