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  wings3d exporter (Message 1 to 7 of 7)  
From: Ross
Subject: wings3d exporter
Date: 24 Jun 2004 16:14:41
Message: <40db3631@news.povray.org>
Hey folks. I'm struggling with meshes from wings3d and the wings3d exporter.
I can't figure out how to not have it export a texture_list and texture
indices in the face_indices. Basically, I don't want every triangle to have
it's own texture. I'm not using UV maps. I just want to have a mesh2 object,
with one texture block for the whole object. Is this possible?

Wings version 0.98.19c and the exporter is version 0.98.19c_ii.


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From: Jim Charter
Subject: Re: wings3d exporter
Date: 24 Jun 2004 23:14:37
Message: <40db989d$1@news.povray.org>
Ross wrote:
> Hey folks. I'm struggling with meshes from wings3d and the wings3d exporter.
> I can't figure out how to not have it export a texture_list and texture
> indices in the face_indices. Basically, I don't want every triangle to have
> it's own texture. I'm not using UV maps. I just want to have a mesh2 object,
> with one texture block for the whole object. Is this possible?
> Wings version 0.98.19c and the exporter is version 0.98.19c_ii.
> thanks.
> ross
I assume you must be using a plugin that exports to POV?
Can't help with that.

My usual workflow to do what you are doing
would be to:
- Create model in Wings but do not Auto_UV map it
- Export it in .obj format (Wavefront)
- Load the exported file into Poseray
- In Poseray Create a default material with ambient 0
- Export to POV
- Open the _pov.inc file which will contain the mesh2 definition and 
replace "uv_mapping" with "//uv_mapping" I can find no way around doing 
this edit
- Open the _pov_mat.inc file and edit in the POV sdl texture definition 
I want.  (On subsequent tests I just reuse this file
  inserting the custom POV sdl definition is support in Poseray also)

...include in scene etc.

I have found no way to either prevent Poseray from creating a texture 
list or addind the uv_mapping keyword

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From: Ross
Subject: Re: wings3d exporter
Date: 25 Jun 2004 10:23:22
Message: <40dc355a@news.povray.org>
"Jim Charter" <jrc### [at] msncom> wrote in message
> Ross wrote:
> > Hey folks. I'm struggling with meshes from wings3d and the wings3d
> > I can't figure out how to not have it export a texture_list and texture
> > indices in the face_indices. Basically, I don't want every triangle to
> > it's own texture. I'm not using UV maps. I just want to have a mesh2
> > with one texture block for the whole object. Is this possible?
> >
> > Wings version 0.98.19c and the exporter is version 0.98.19c_ii.
> >
> >
> > thanks.
> > ross
> >
> >
> I assume you must be using a plugin that exports to POV?
> Can't help with that.

[snipped poseray stuff]

yes, that is true. I'll have to check out poseray, thanks.

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From: Gilles Tran
Subject: Re: wings3d exporter
Date: 25 Jun 2004 18:51:10
Message: <40dcac5e$1@news.povray.org>


> [snipped poseray stuff]
> yes, that is true. I'll have to check out poseray, thanks.

Note that if for some reason you can't get rid of the texture list, you can
still get rid of uv_mapping by commenting off this keyword (at the end of
the mesh). The textures then behave like regular 3D ones.


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From: Ross
Subject: Re: wings3d exporter
Date: 28 Jun 2004 11:13:59
Message: <40e035b7$1@news.povray.org>
"Gilles Tran" <gitran_nospam_@wanadoo.fr> wrote in message

> news:40dc355a@news.povray.org...
> > [snipped poseray stuff]
> >
> > yes, that is true. I'll have to check out poseray, thanks.
> >
> Note that if for some reason you can't get rid of the texture list, you
> still get rid of uv_mapping by commenting off this keyword (at the end of
> the mesh). The textures then behave like regular 3D ones.
> G.

thanks, i'll have to try that as well. i'm a mesh newbie. so if i have a
wood-like texture, instead of applying the texture to each triangle, by
commenting out the uv_mapping block, it will apply one wood texture to the
entire mesh object? that's in essence what i want to do.

many thanks,

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From: Jim Charter
Subject: Re: wings3d exporter
Date: 28 Jun 2004 16:16:43
Message: <40e07cab$1@news.povray.org>
Ross wrote:

> thanks, i'll have to try that as well. i'm a mesh newbie. so if i have a
> wood-like texture, instead of applying the texture to each triangle, by
> commenting out the uv_mapping block, it will apply one wood texture to the
> entire mesh object? that's in essence what i want to do.
Good question and I though I can't give you a thoroughly informed 
explanation, this is as much as I think is true:

If you are using maps for your texturing, and the uv_mapping keyword is 
present, you get the texturing behavior you expect

If you are using procedural textures, and the uv_mapping keyword is not 
present, you get the texturing behavior you expect.

Any other permutation of these basic conditions will produce 
difficult-to-predict results.  This is usually due to scaling issues.

The uv_mapping keyword does not denote whether texture is applied to 
individual triangles vs the whole mesh.  That is what the texture_list 
does.  The uv_mapping keyword dennotes the source of the texture.

When the uv_mapping keyword is present, the texture is taken from a unit 
uv space and then wrapped to the entire object surface.  For csg objects 
this can be done on regular surfaces such as spheres where the wrapping 
can be calculated. For mesh objects the uv vectors supplied in the mesh 
are used to get the wrapping effect.  Basically they name the point in 
the uv (source) space that sould be mapped to the associated vertex.

When the uv_mapping keyword is not present, the texture is taken from 
the entire xyz space, whereever the object surface intersects the 
texture, the texture value is returned and used.  So if you are applying 
a bitmap as a texture element to your mesh object, you must specify 
uv_mapping because your bit_map is treated as if it is (in) the unit uv 
space that uv_mapping uses as its texture source.  So you can see how 
miscues with this syntax could lead to scaling issues.

In the mesh2 object the texture_list is optional.  If you do not intend 
to apply different textures to different areas of the geometry within 
the mesh2 object, you don't need it.  But Poseray was developed to 
facilitate the exporting of models between Poser and POV and so it is 
pretty much always needed because that is how Poser organizes and 
applied its textures.

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From: gonzo
Subject: Re: wings3d exporter
Date: 29 Jun 2004 03:18:50
Message: <40e117da@news.povray.org>
Ross wrote:
> Hey folks. I'm struggling with meshes from wings3d and the wings3d exporter.
> I can't figure out how to not have it export a texture_list and texture
> indices in the face_indices. Basically, I don't want every triangle to have
> it's own texture. I'm not using UV maps. I just want to have a mesh2 object,
> with one texture block for the whole object. Is this possible?

In Wings, select the parts you want and right click, then you can set 
vertex or material mode. You can also remove textures, which will give 
you just the default texture in the texture block, which you can then 
change to anything you want in Pov.

There are also some texture options in the povray exporter, i.e. to turn 
UV mapping on or off, use normals, etc.


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