POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.tools.general : What do you think about this animation tool Server Time
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  What do you think about this animation tool (Message 1 to 2 of 2)  
From: ShalomNaumann
Subject: What do you think about this animation tool
Date: 28 May 2004 17:26:29
Message: <40b7ae85$1@news.povray.org>
	I put an announcement in the news-submissions newsgroup, but I don't 
know how long it will be before the next news items are put up, so I 
wouldn't mind some feedback already. I've been working on this tool for 
keyframe based animations for handcoded povray scenes, and I would like 
other people to take up the project. The entire news item is taken 
directly from my website (http://discontinuity.sourceforge.net/), so 
please look there (or p.news-submissions) for more intformation.

Curious for your feedback,
Shalom Naumann

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From: Shalom Naumann
Subject: Re: What do you think about this animation tool
Date: 28 May 2004 17:33:26
Message: <40b7b026@news.povray.org>
BTW, how do I get something into the Link Collection? I tried sending an 
e-mail to lin### [at] povrayorg, but the e-mail address doesn't seem to 

Shalom Naumann wrote:
> Hi,
>     I put an announcement in the news-submissions newsgroup, but I don't 
> know how long it will be before the next news items are put up, so I 
> wouldn't mind some feedback already. I've been working on this tool for 
> keyframe based animations for handcoded povray scenes, and I would like 
> other people to take up the project. The entire news item is taken 
> directly from my website (http://discontinuity.sourceforge.net/), so 
> please look there (or p.news-submissions) for more intformation.
> Curious for your feedback,
> Shalom Naumann

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