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  Silo, WOW! (Message 1 to 8 of 8)  
From: Jim Charter
Subject: Silo, WOW!
Date: 19 Apr 2004 19:00:36
Message: <40845a14$1@news.povray.org>
After trying out the learning edition it looks like a very good modeller 
indeed!  It's as focused on sub-d modelling, as Wings is on box 
modelling, but supports the generation of single lines and polys also. 
Economy of design is the overriding impression.  There is a small, 
best-of-breed, mix of tools. The user interface also includes a simple 
blend of desirable features from famous highend products.  In addition, 
the interface is completely customizable.

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From: Mick Hazelgrove
Subject: Re: Silo, WOW!
Date: 11 May 2004 13:38:40
Message: <40a10fa0@news.povray.org>
I bought it a few weeks ago I find it fast smooth and flexible and the plans
for future development look very exciting.


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From: Jim Charter
Subject: Re: Silo, WOW!
Date: 11 May 2004 23:54:21
Message: <40a19fed$1@news.povray.org>
Mick Hazelgrove wrote:
> I bought it a few weeks ago I find it fast smooth and flexible and the plans
> for future development look very exciting.

It seems quite forward looking and does seem to reflect a best of breed 
design mentality.  Using Wings has got me used to being able to orient 
mayself in space without the need of manipulators and I personally find 
them clunky now but traditionally they are considered a highend feature. 
  And I believe I saw that they can be turned off in Silo anyway. I 
never quite got the hang of how to leverage the subdivision modelling 
technique to greater advantage for myself but as you say it is the 
technique of the future seemingly.  I cannot rationalize spending even 
dollar one on software right now, not even badly needed maintenance 
tools, or I'd be giving Silo a go for sure.  Wings is coming along too 
though.  I now model with quite poerful tools and techniques quite 
different from when those I depended on when I first started with it. 
But I just spent all day today with the thing crashing every two 
minutes, and this is a supposedly stable version!

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From: Mick Hazelgrove
Subject: Re: Silo, WOW!
Date: 13 May 2004 16:06:02
Message: <40a3d52a@news.povray.org>
"Jim Charter" <jrc### [at] msncom> wrote in message
> Mick Hazelgrove wrote:
> > I bought it a few weeks ago I find it fast smooth and flexible and the
> > for future development look very exciting.
> It seems quite forward looking and does seem to reflect a best of breed
> design mentality.  Using Wings has got me used to being able to orient
> mayself in space without the need of manipulators and I personally find
> them clunky now but traditionally they are considered a highend feature.

You can use the tweak mode by pressing cntrl and moving the selected object

> I never quite got the hang of how to leverage the subdivision modelling
> technique to greater advantage for myself but as you say it is the
> technique of the future seemingly.  I cannot rationalize spending even
> dollar one on software right now, not even badly needed maintenance
> tools, or I'd be giving Silo a go for sure.  Wings is coming along too
> though.  I now model with quite poerful tools and techniques quite
> different from when those I depended on when I first started with it.
> But I just spent all day today with the thing crashing every two
> minutes, and this is a supposedly stable version!

The latest versions of Silo are very stable on my system and has so many
features I've given up on wings!

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From: John D  Gwinner
Subject: Re: Silo, WOW!
Date: 26 May 2004 02:54:22
Message: <40b43f1e$1@news.povray.org>
Where does one find Silo?

How much is it?

        == John ==

> The latest versions of Silo are very stable on my system and has so many
> features I've given up on wings!

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From: Jim Charter
Subject: Re: Silo, WOW!
Date: 26 May 2004 08:42:21
Message: <40b490ad$1@news.povray.org>
Mick Hazelgrove wrote:

> The latest versions of Silo are very stable on my system and has so many
> features I've given up on wings!
In fairness to Wings the crashes were related to something else.  There 
were mysterious slowdowns also.  Though I never found a virus or other, 
a reinstall of Windows helped.  My drives were also badly fragged.  And 
the warm weather is playing the devil with my system's poor ability to 
tolerate heat.

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From: Jim Charter
Subject: Re: Silo, WOW!
Date: 26 May 2004 08:51:59
Message: <40b492ef$1@news.povray.org>
John D. Gwinner wrote:

> Where does one find Silo?
> How much is it?


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From: Apache
Subject: Re: Silo, WOW!
Date: 13 Jun 2004 18:11:37
Message: <40ccd119$1@news.povray.org>
thanks for the url!

price is reasonable imho

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