POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.tools.general : building povmodeler? : Re: building povmodeler? Server Time
15 Feb 2025 02:31:50 EST (-0500)
  Re: building povmodeler?  
From: Ton
Date: 27 Nov 2019 19:00:00
Message: <web.5ddf0d0ccdd38c95c17c1320@news.povray.org>
Dick Balaska <dic### [at] buckosoftcom> wrote:
> On 11/27/19 4:09 AM, Dick Balaska wrote:
> >
> > build is progressing...
> >
> Got it built.  I get the same log output as I posted in my previous
> thread "povmodeler blank windows".
> $ ./povmodeler
> qt5ct: using qt5ct plugin
> qt5ct: D-Bus global menu: no
> Asking for share context for widget that does not have a window handle
> QOpenGLWidget: Cannot be used without a context shared with the toplevel.
> ...
> Next I have to get it to build in qtcreator, so I can debug it.
> (I have built and run other qt opengl apps.)
> --
> dik
> Rendered 29,374,617,600 of 49,882,521,600 pixels (58%)

Well done, Dick!
Why you don't have the graphics, I don't know. My Qt version here is 5.13, and
it works. It would be hard to imagine 5.13 works, and 5.9 doesn't.
qtcreator uses the same commands (cmake and make) like you used in the
commandline, so that should just work. I'll try later today.


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