"Bald Eagle" <cre### [at] netscapenet> wrote:
> My motivation would be to have them write it out in SDL .... so we can check
> their code and make sure that it's correct ;)
I would agree. I assume that the original paper's 'scene' or code example was
written specifically for rendering in OpenGL (?) That's completely different
from POV-Ray and its own SDL ("scene description language.") I've never coded
anything for OpenGL, so I don't know how difficult it would be to translate from
one 'scene description' into another. But it doesn't sound like an overnight
assignment! ;-)
The abstract of the article says (regarding OpenGl rendering): "This makes it
possible to utilize graphics hardware, resulting in fast image generation." I
assume that means a computer's GPU. POV-ray doesn't actually make use of GPU
instructions or accelleration (as far as I know!)
If it were my assignment, I would mention these caveats to the course instructor
(gently, of course!)
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