POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.tools.general : Looking for a interactive viewer : Re: Looking for a interactive viewer Server Time
6 Oct 2024 00:50:00 EDT (-0400)
  Re: Looking for a interactive viewer  
From: lelama
Date: 22 Sep 2016 17:55:01
Message: <web.57e452544ca237677a63dc9f0@news.povray.org>
Probably we need to code one. It is probably not too difficult if we want only a
viewer (without modeling).

We could have a simple window with a display of the .png image and a few
buttons, to zoom, rotate around the object...When the user presses one button,
for instance a zoom, a line is added at the end of the .pov file to update the
camera, a command is sent to povray so that the .png file is recomputed,
then the .png would be redisplayed.

With python, for instance written in pygtk, this would work both for Linux and
Windows :-)


Stephen <mca### [at] aolcom> wrote:
> On 9/20/2016 10:13 PM, lelama wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I am looking for an interactive viewer "a la Blender".
> >
> > Something very simple...
> 24 posts later. I wish I had just said. No I don't think there is.
> Because I have not heard of any and I am looking for one too, Windoze
> though.
> --
> Regards
>      Stephen

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