On 11/27/19 3:54 AM, Dick Balaska wrote:
> The debian version does not seem to have qt5X11Extras
> $ ls /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/cmake
> Qt5 Qt5Concurrent Qt5Core Qt5DBus Qt5Gui Qt5Network
> Qt5OpenGLExtensions Qt5PrintSupport Qt5Sql Qt5Test Qt5Widgets Qt5Xml
> I don't see a package to install to fix that. There *is* a -doc package
> $ apt-cache search qtx11
> python-pyqt5.qtx11extras - Python 2 bindings for QtX11Extras module
> python-pyqt5.qtx11extras-dbg - Python 2 bindings for QtX11Extras module
> (debug extension)
> python3-pyqt5.qtx11extras - Python 3 bindings for QtX11Extras module
> python3-pyqt5.qtx11extras-dbg - Python 3 bindings for QtX11Extras module
> (debug extension)
> qtx11extras5-doc - Qt 5 X11 extras documentation
> qtx11extras5-doc-html - Qt 5 X11 extras HTML documentation
found it:
$ sudo apt install libqt5x11extras5-dev
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