On 9/22/2016 10:14 AM, lelama wrote:
> Tried to read .pov in Blender without success.
> First, I tried on Ubuntu studio, latest version. I was not able to activate the
> add-on because of some inexistant file or directory.
> Then I downloaded the latest binary blender version on the blender server. I
> checked that the fileI was rendered correctly using povray directly. But it was
> not correctly rendered in Blender Only a grey plane appeared, whereas it was
> supposed to show a person on a bike.
> Laurent.
I had the same problem when I tried it yesterday.
I have not read the documentation on it. So that goes on the todo list.
Once I have finished a project I am working on. I am going to have a
look to see what I did wrong or not do right.
After the import there was only a plane called: PovInfinitePlane
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