> Chris Cason<del### [at] deletethistoo povray org> wrote:
>> An example of somewhere this has been done is the candyfab project:
>> http://www.candyfab.org/
>> see also 'Slicing STL files in POV-Ray'
>> http://www.evilmadscientist.com/article.php/slicingstl
> Good to see that they've posted the how-to info re: POV-Ray. (That was missing
> when I looked at the site last year.) From a quick view of those sites, it seems
> that you need to start with an STL file first, then convert it to POV-Ray using
> their 'stl2pov' utility. I.e., apparently you can't start with a POV-Ray scene
> that you've created. Am I wrong about that?
> BTW, their stl2pov utility is pre-compiled as a binary, but only for Windows;
> Mac users need to compile their own.
> Ken
The slt2pov convert a model into a POV object.
If you skip the part about slt2pov, you can start directly with any POV
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