POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.tools.general : Problem with trace() - how to test for ray directions other than towards or= : Re: Problem with trace() - how to test for ray directions other than towards or= Server Time
6 Oct 2024 03:23:59 EDT (-0400)
  Re: Problem with trace() - how to test for ray directions other than towards or=  
From: Alain
Date: 22 Jun 2009 14:51:03
Message: <4a3fd297@news.povray.org>

> High!
> I want to place objects randomly on an isosurface; as the isosurface lies
> perpendicular to the y axis, I tested for directions parallel to the y axis
> rather  than pointing towards <0, 0, 0>.
> But obviously all these rays missed - in a #warning output line, I always
> get 0.00000 for the x and z components of trace(). What went wrong? Is it
> in fact impossible, as the manual suggests, to safely test for
> intersections other than
> (Object, start_vector, -start_vector)? I even defined an auxiliary object
> and translated it so that the starting point is exactly above the origin,
> but this also failed...
> Here are the relevant parts of the scene:
> #declare Terrain_Part1_Function=
> function
> {
>   pattern
>   {
>     granite
>     scale 10
>     poly_wave 0.333
>   }
> }
> #declare Terrain_Part2_Function=
> function
> {
>   pattern
>   {
>     bozo
>     turbulence 2
>     octaves 5
>   }
> }
> #declare Terrain_Function=
> function
> {
>   y + Terrain_Part1_Function(x, 0, z)
>     + Terrain_Part2_Function(x, y, z)*0.0004
> }
> #declare Terrain=
> isosurface
> {
>   function { Terrain_Function(x, y, z) }
>   contained_by
>   {
>     box { -10, 10 }
>   }
>   max_gradient 3
>   accuracy 0.0001
>   #if (!map)
>     texture { T_Sand }
>   #else
>     // texture { T_Physical_Map scale 2 }
>   #end
> }
> #declare r1=seed(1584);
> #declare r2=seed(2953);
> #declare r3=seed(5930);
> #declare r4=seed(8634);
> #declare Ball=
> sphere
> {
>   0, 1
> }
> object { Terrain }
> #declare s=<4, 20, 5>;
> #declare a=<4, -20, 5>;
> #declare pos=trace(Terrain, s, a)+<0, 0.0017, 0>;
> #if (!map)
>   #if (ground=1)
>     camera
>     {
>       location pos
>       look_at pos+<0, sin((-90+(clock*0.5))*(pi/180)),
> sin(clock*0.5*(pi/180))>
>       angle 40
>     }
>   #else
>     camera
>     {
>       location <15, 8, -15>
>       look_at 0
>       angle 40
>     }
>   #end
> #else
>   camera
>   {
>     orthographic
>     location <0, 50, 0>
>     look_at 0
>     angle 40
>   }
> #end
> #if (balls=1)
>   #declare a=0;
>   #while (a<1000)
>     #declare xpos=rand(r1)*20-10;
>     #declare zpos=rand(r2)*20-10;
>     #declare Terrain_Temporary=
>     object { Terrain translate <-xpos, 0, -zpos> }
>     #declare trvect=<0, 20, 0>;
>     #declare rad=0.01+rand(r3)/100*9;
>     #declare pos=trace(Terrain_Temporary, trvect, -trvect)+<0, rad, 0>;
>     #warning concat("<", str(pos.x, 2, -1), ", ", str(pos.y, 2, -1), ", "
> str(pos.z, 2, -1), ">")
>     object
>     {
>       Ball
>       scale rad
>       translate pos
>       texture
>       {
>         pigment
>         {
>           color rgb <1, 0, 0>
>         }
>         finish
>         {
>           ambient 0.1
>           diffuse 0.9
>           brilliance 0.7
>           phong 150
>           phong_size 0.5
>           reflection 0.6
>           metallic
>         }
>       }
>     }
>     #declare a=a+1;
>   #end
> #end
> See you on www.khyberspace.de !
> Yadgar
> Now playing: my loved one on his Ensoniq synthesizer
A few questions:
For your trace, why do you move the object instead of the origin point?
#declare Terrain_Temporary=object { Terrain translate <-xpos, 0, -zpos>}

Change the trace to:
#declare pos=trace(Terrain, <xpos, 10, zpos>, -trvect)+<0, rad, 0>;
The y value is to ensure that you start tracing from above your object.

A word of warning: You should NEVER use lower case single character 
variables name. In fact, ALL user variable should start with an upper 
case letter, as all reserved names start with a lower case letter.


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