POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.tools.general : Hamapatch at risk of being lost due to Geocities shutdown? : Re: Hamapatch at risk of being lost due to Geocities shutdown? Server Time
3 Nov 2024 04:43:32 EST (-0500)
  Re: Hamapatch at risk of being lost due to Geocities shutdown?  
From: Thomas de Groot
Date: 26 May 2009 10:10:04
Message: <4a1bf83c$1@news.povray.org>
"clipka" <nomail@nomail> schreef in bericht 
> Not even a new *preview* version for over 4 years ("Download ver. 3.0 
> Preview
> Version1.03(2004/12/31)") - that doesn't sound like much activity to me.

No, but the question was if Hamapatch was still accessible, and it is. 
Except of course if Geocities is going to shut down completely?


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