The POV-Ray 3.7.0 cannot run the 3.7.1 version of ior.inc, which means
if I beta test 3.7.1, I must commit. Or does it? The solution to this
problem was embarrassingly simple:
0. Before starting, make sure you have a copy of the 3.7.0 version of
ior.inc somewhere safe. By "safe," I mean someplace it will not be
overwritten by the POV-Ray installation process.
1. After installing the beta, rename ior.inc in the production include
directory to ior371.inc.
You can find the name of this directory in the Library paths
listing in the message window after you render a scene; it is
typically My Documents\POV-Ray\v3.7 in Windows and
/usr/local/share/povray-3.7/include in Unix.
2. Copy the 3.7.0 version of ior.inc to the production
include directory, renaming it to ior370.inc.
3. Create the following file, name it ior.inc, and copy it to the
production include directory:
----------[BEGIN CODE]----------
/* ior.inc switch
* Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer include file
* Loads a standard version of ior.inc according to the scene's
* POV-Ray version.
#include #if (version = 3.7) "ior370.inc" #else "ior371.inc" #end
-----------[END CODE]-----------
I recommend keeping a copy this file in one of your user directories, as
this process must be repeated after every beta install.
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Am 18.03.2017 um 03:16 schrieb Cousin Ricky:
> The POV-Ray 3.7.0 cannot run the 3.7.1 version of ior.inc, which means
> if I beta test 3.7.1, I must commit. Or does it? The solution to this
> problem was embarrassingly simple:
On Windows, the solution should be even more embarrassingly simple:
- The `ior.inc` for POV-Ray 3.7.0 should be residing in
`%USERPROFILE%\Documents\POV-Ray\v3.7\include`, and that's where POV-Ray
3.7.0 should be looking for it.
- The `ior.inc` for POV-Ray 3.7.1-beta should be residing in
`%USERPROFILE%\Documents\POV-Ray\v3.7-beta\include`, and that's where
POV-Ray 3.7.1-beta should be looking for it.
If that's not the case, let us know.
(Your solution /may/ come in handy later during release candidate phase
or after release, in case someone wants to keep the old 3.7.0 binaries
around, as 3.7.1 will then switch from `v3.7-beta` to `v3.7`.)
On Unix, you can run the `configure` script with the `--prefix=`
parameter to have `make install` install the beta to a different
location, which I /think/ should also solve the issue.
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