POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.text.tutorials : heightfields with i_dat3d Server Time
4 Oct 2024 04:01:46 EDT (-0400)
  heightfields with i_dat3d (Message 1 to 2 of 2)  
From: janger
Subject: heightfields with i_dat3d
Date: 4 Nov 2000 02:38:24
Message: <3a03bcf0@news.povray.org>
Anyone help me with generating heightfields using MegaPov and the built-in
i_dat3d library routines?
I have no idea how the data points are mapped. I've read the megapov help,
and it doesn't make it clear to me. Sample data files give me unexpected
I've searched the pov site, the net, my mind... just can't make sense of it
For an example, what would the data values be to build a simple four-sided
pyramid shape?

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From: david sharp
Subject: Re: heightfields with i_dat3d
Date: 3 Dec 2000 23:43:06
Message: <3a2b20da@news.povray.org>
> For an example, what would the data values be to build a simple four-sided
> pyramid shape?

Is this a pyramid?
#version unofficial MegaPov 0.6;

#declare S=3; // data sample sizes
#declare myDataArray2=array[S][S]{
 {-2, 1,-2},

#declare myDataFunction2 =
function{ "data_2d_1", <1> library "i_dat3d", myDataArray2, <S,1,S>}

isosurface {
     function {(myDataFunction2)}
     contained_by { box {<0,0,0>, <2,2,2>}}
     threshold 0
     max_gradient 4

     scale 4

camera { location <10, 10, 10> look_at <0,0,0>}

light_source {<10, 120, 150> color 1}

background {color .3}

"janger" <d_j### [at] hotmailcom> wrote in message
> Anyone help me with generating heightfields using MegaPov and the built-in
> i_dat3d library routines?
> I have no idea how the data points are mapped. I've read the megapov help,
> and it doesn't make it clear to me. Sample data files give me unexpected
> results.
> I've searched the pov site, the net, my mind... just can't make sense of
> all.
> For an example, what would the data values be to build a simple four-sided
> pyramid shape?

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