POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.text.tutorials : The basics Server Time
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  The basics (Message 1 to 5 of 5)  
From: John Thomas 
Subject: The basics
Date: 22 Sep 1998 01:37:15
Message: <3607297b.0@news.povray.org>

I am very new to this pov ray thing. I can't even figure out how to make a
single cube.  I don't know anything at all about it.  I was wondering if
anyone knew any sites about the basics and hwo I could learn to make lil
things.. Then later worry about the bigger things.

John Thomas.

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From: marc
Subject: Re: The basics
Date: 22 Sep 1998 10:41:31
Message: <3607a90b.0@news.povray.org>
let me be the first to say "read the manual" then after that try
http://twysted.net and look in the tutorials section, if you still need more
help you can always try the #povray room on dalnet,efnet, and newnet. if
none of that helps then try to grab yourself a modeler (although some people
will disagree with me on the modeler part but I feel you should be presented
with all options). btw the tutorials in the .docs are quite good at teaching
you the basics of POVRAY and provide an awesome foundation for the advanced
stuff too.  HTH

Have a good one, Maleko
" If you wanna have fun, and don't need  a reason,
all you need is a gun, it's TOURIST season!"
Bugs Bunny  (modified)

John Thomas. <2co### [at] softhomenet> wrote in message
>I am very new to this pov ray thing. I can't even figure out how to make a
>single cube.  I don't know anything at all about it.  I was wondering if
>anyone knew any sites about the basics and hwo I could learn to make lil
>things.. Then later worry about the bigger things.
>John Thomas.

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From: Mike
Subject: Re: The basics
Date: 22 Sep 1998 13:30:09
Message: <3607DD15.9D5AC3EC@aol.com>
The docs are very good, but a cube isn't really the easiest thing to
understand.  The two vectors describe the two opposite corners of a box.  The
easiest way to think of it is as describing the least and greatest extents of
the box.  I tend to do lowest vector first, so a unit sized cube at the origin
would be:

box {<-.5, -.5, -.5>, <.5, .5, .5>}

Notice the x, y, z components of the first vector are lower than the x, y, z
components of the second vector.  As long as you stick to that rule, the
corners will always be opposite and will save you the trouble of trying to
visualize the actual corners of the box.


John Thomas. wrote:

> Hello,
> I am very new to this pov ray thing. I can't even figure out how to make a
> single cube.  I don't know anything at all about it.  I was wondering if
> anyone knew any sites about the basics and hwo I could learn to make lil
> things.. Then later worry about the bigger things.
> Thanks.
> John Thomas.

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From: marabou
Subject: Re: The basics
Date: 23 Oct 2001 16:26:55
Message: <3bd5d28f@news.povray.org>
marc wrote:

> let me be the first to say "read the manual" then after that try
> http://twysted.net and look in the tutorials section, if you still need

i tried this site, but i only found this:

This is merely a placeholder page, as I construct this site. 

i there a link correction?

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From: Ron Parker
Subject: Re: The basics
Date: 23 Oct 2001 16:49:02
Message: <slrn9tblu0.ca.ron.parker@fwi.com>
On Tue, 23 Oct 2001 22:27:38 +0200, marabou wrote:
> marc wrote:
>> let me be the first to say "read the manual" then after that try
>> http://twysted.net and look in the tutorials section, if you still need
> i tried this site, but i only found this:
> This is merely a placeholder page, as I construct this site. 
> i there a link correction?

The post you're replying to is over three years old.  It's possible that
the landscape of the World Wide Web has changed a bit since then.

#macro R(P)z+_(P)_(P)_(P+1)_(P+1)+z#end#macro Q(C)bicubic_patch{type 1u_steps 6
v_steps 6R(1)R(3)R(5)R(7)translate 9*z-2pigment{rgb z}}#end#macro _(Y)#local X=
asc(substr(C,Y,1))-65;<mod(X,4)div(X,4)>#end#local O=union{Q("ABEFUQWS")Q(// RON
"WSXTLOJN")}Q("JNKLCGCD")union{O}union{O translate 3*x}light_source{x 1}//PARKER

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