POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.text.scene-files : Diamonds: The Great Mogul or the Stone of Orlov Server Time
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  Diamonds: The Great Mogul or the Stone of Orlov (Message 1 to 5 of 5)  
From: TawnyOwl
Subject: Diamonds: The Great Mogul or the Stone of Orlov
Date: 26 Mar 2012 15:20:00
Message: <web.4f70c108109749d0aba3f3570@news.povray.org>
If someone is interested, here is an approximated model of the stone of orloff -
or as many belief - the great mogul-diamond. I took the x,z-coordinates from a
sketch in the wikipedia and handcrafted an mesh2-object from it (with the help
of Excel, Wings and PoseRay) by estimating the y-coordinates from the other
points of view. There may be some flaws in this second approximation (look at
the pictures at the (english) wikipedia-entry "Orlov (diamond)" or look at the
sceptre of Catherine the Great). But the approximation of the stone is close
enough I think. Here is the geometry. If someone has a good idea for the texture
- I'm still working on it - I would be very interested.

Best regards,

#declare Grossmogul1_Teilmogul_default2_default2_=mesh2{
inside_vector <0,0,1> }

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From: Alain
Subject: Re: Diamonds: The Great Mogul or the Stone of Orlov
Date: 26 Mar 2012 17:01:50
Message: <4f70d93e@news.povray.org>

> If someone is interested, here is an approximated model of the stone of orloff -
> or as many belief - the great mogul-diamond. I took the x,z-coordinates from a
> sketch in the wikipedia and handcrafted an mesh2-object from it (with the help
> of Excel, Wings and PoseRay) by estimating the y-coordinates from the other
> points of view. There may be some flaws in this second approximation (look at
> the pictures at the (english) wikipedia-entry "Orlov (diamond)" or look at the
> sceptre of Catherine the Great). But the approximation of the stone is close
> enough I think. Here is the geometry. If someone has a good idea for the texture
> - I'm still working on it - I would be very interested.
> Best regards,
> Michael

For the texture, you should start with a totaly transparent pigment: rgbt 1

Next, the finish
finish{reflection{0,1 fresnel}conserve_energy ambient 0 diffuse 0.01}
You can add some specular or phong highlights. If speculat, use a low 
roughness (<0.001), for phong, use a large (>500) phong_size value.

Then, the all important interior:
The diamond is described as white with a bluish light green tint.

interior{ior 2.5 distersion 1.02 fade_color<0.9, 0.1, 0.93> 
fade_distance 1 fade_power 1}
Typical diamond ion and a fair amount of dispersion.
The colour comes from the material, not the surface.

You should then render with some light_source. Adding an high dynamic 
range environment can realy help.


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From: Thomas de Groot
Subject: Re: Diamonds: The Great Mogul or the Stone of Orlov
Date: 27 Mar 2012 03:05:15
Message: <4f7166ab$1@news.povray.org>
On 26-3-2012 21:18, TawnyOwl wrote:
> If someone is interested, here is an approximated model of the stone of orloff -
> or as many belief - the great mogul-diamond.

Now why, I wonder, are you modelling a diamond...? ;-)

Awaiting impatiently your contribution to the TC-RTC Challenge :-)


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From: TawnyOwl
Subject: Re: Diamonds: The Great Mogul or the Stone of Orlov
Date: 27 Mar 2012 16:00:00
Message: <web.4f721b7a975c44cf40f8e80@news.povray.org>
> For the texture, you should start with a totaly transparent pigment: rgbt 1
> Next, the finish
> finish{reflection{0,1 fresnel}conserve_energy ambient 0 diffuse 0.01}
> You can add some specular or phong highlights. If speculat, use a low
> roughness (<0.001), for phong, use a large (>500) phong_size value.
> Then, the all important interior:
> The diamond is described as white with a bluish light green tint.
> interior{ior 2.5 distersion 1.02 fade_color<0.9, 0.1, 0.93>
> fade_distance 1 fade_power 1}
> Typical diamond ion and a fair amount of dispersion.
> The colour comes from the material, not the surface.
> You should then render with some light_source. Adding an high dynamic
> range environment can realy help.
> Alain

Many, many thanks for your suggestions. I will try them in the next days and -
of course - I will post my final settings here. At the moment I'm playing around
with the diamond texture macro Bruno Cabasson gave here some years ago, but the
stone looks not like a diamond, more like glass. May be it is because this stone
is an very old one which is not cut after the rules of Marcel Tolkowsky. The
shape (or cut) of the stones seems to be very important too. In this case I
tried to model as close as possible, but the scratch from the Wikipedia is not
exhaustive since the side-views seems to be taken not from angles differencing
about 180 degrees. So I had to guess a little bit...

And - as a response to Thomas - of course, the final scene will be my next entry
to the TC-RTC.

Thanks again and best regards,

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From: TawnyOwl
Subject: Re: Diamonds: The Great Mogul or the Stone of Orlov
Date: 3 Apr 2012 17:45:01
Message: <web.4f7b6e6c975c448354fdd0@news.povray.org>
"TawnyOwl" <taw### [at] webde> wrote:
> > For the texture, you should start with a totaly transparent pigment: rgbt 1
> >
> > Next, the finish
> > finish{reflection{0,1 fresnel}conserve_energy ambient 0 diffuse 0.01}
> > You can add some specular or phong highlights. If speculat, use a low
> > roughness (<0.001), for phong, use a large (>500) phong_size value.
> >
> > Then, the all important interior:
> > The diamond is described as white with a bluish light green tint.
> >
> > interior{ior 2.5 distersion 1.02 fade_color<0.9, 0.1, 0.93>
> > fade_distance 1 fade_power 1}
> > Typical diamond ion and a fair amount of dispersion.
> > The colour comes from the material, not the surface.
> >
> > You should then render with some light_source. Adding an high dynamic
> > range environment can realy help.
> >
> >
> >
> > Alain
> Many, many thanks for your suggestions. I will try them in the next days and -
> of course - I will post my final settings here. At the moment I'm playing around
> with the diamond texture macro Bruno Cabasson gave here some years ago, but the
> stone looks not like a diamond, more like glass. May be it is because this stone
> is an very old one which is not cut after the rules of Marcel Tolkowsky. The
> shape (or cut) of the stones seems to be very important too. In this case I
> tried to model as close as possible, but the scratch from the Wikipedia is not
> exhaustive since the side-views seems to be taken not from angles differencing
> about 180 degrees. So I had to guess a little bit...
> And - as a response to Thomas - of course, the final scene will be my next entry
> to the TC-RTC.
> Thanks again and best regards,
> Michael

The matter is quiet interessting and small changes to the parameters in a given
lighting situation can change the general impression by far more as I learned
now. I tested all given diamond materials in the newsgroups and jugded that
Brunos were the best, just to have a starting point. At this moment I have'nt
really analysed his settings which are very close to Alains proposals, I know
now. But after analysing Brunos settings Alain's proposals gave me the hint,
that I was on the right track. With Alain's hint to test a HDRI-Environment,
which is really crucial, I put the stone into the "thekitchen.hdr" by Jaime
Vives Piqueres and yielded a good result with the help of two other
light_sources. At the moment I'm figuring around the necessary photon-settings
(and the positions of the light_sources) to gain an image near to the picture of
the sceptre of Catherine the Great in the Wikipedia. Just for the fun of it and
not for my next TC-entry. I cannot match the unkown ligthing but I can perhaps
meet similiar caustics.

Best regards,

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