hello everybody,
I apologize if this is the wrong group to post this in, but I was unsure how
else I could add my Moray scene (as an attachment).
Basically, I'm trying to develop some POV-Ray code that will allow me to get a
blob object to have animated parts (following a Moray IK structure). This is
currently not possible because Moray only handles static blobs (imported as
..blb files) or blobs animated with POV-Ray code only, with no interface to
Moray. I have managed to build a simple 2 segment IK object that is
represented by spheres and cylinders as well as the POV-Ray code that gets the
location (unfortunately in local coordinates, so IK doesn't change this
location) of these and creates an associated blob object. I have attached a
zip file containing my mdl file, 2 plugins which you may or may not have which
are required (.dll files), and an include file which is required for the
POVInclude plugin. If I haven't described something well enough, just ask and
I'll elaborate. Thanks for the help.
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