Saw a cool render here some time ago with these sort of g-shaped
boxy glowy things in all colors. Looked cool. Forget who it was:
sorry. This is an attempt to get the same effect from scratch,
except in blue. Coded from scratch in .pov by me.
#version 3.5;
#declare use_rad = true;
#declare rseed = seed(20724119);
global_settings {
//assumed_gamma 2.2
assumed_gamma 1.6
noise_generator 1
#if (use_rad = true)
radiosity {
/* uses v3.5 radiousity syntax */
always_sample off // You can force POV-Ray to only use the data from
// the pretrace step and not gather any new samples
// during the final radiosity pass. This may reduce
// splotchiness.
// It can also be usefull when reusing previously
// saved radiosity data.
brightness 1
count 144 // number of rays that are sent out whenever a new radiosity
// value has to be calculated
error_bound 0.3 // lower than 0.1 is not recommended
low_error_factor 0.4 // work harder during pretrace
max_sample 1.0 // scale level of overly bright samples to not exceed
recursion_limit 3
normal on // whether or not radiousity accounts for normals
pretrace_start 0.08
pretrace_end 0.02
#macro rnd(n)
#local dummy = rand(rseed);
#local rr = int(n * rand(rseed));
#local dummy = rand(rseed);
#macro rrand(lo, hi)
#local rlo = min(lo, hi);
#local rhi = max(lo, hi);
#local dummy = rand(rseed);
#local rr = rlo + (rand(rseed) * (rhi - rlo));
#local dummy = rand(rseed);
camera {
location 0
direction <0, 0, 1>
right <image_width / image_height, 0, 0>
up <0, 1, 0>
rotate x*90
translate <0, 8, 0>
plane { // floor
<0, 1, 0>, 0
pigment { color rgb 1 }
finish { ambient 0 diffuse 1 }
normal { agate bump_size -0.2 rotate <4, 5, 6> translate <6, -7.5, 31> }
#declare l_th = 0.05;
#declare l_ha = 0.5 - l_th;
#declare l_qu = 0.25 - l_th;
#declare g_frame = union {
// bottom panal
cylinder { <-l_ha, l_th, -l_qu>, <-l_ha, l_th, l_qu>, l_th }
cylinder { < l_ha, l_th, -l_qu>, < l_ha, l_th, l_qu>, l_th }
cylinder { <-l_ha, l_th, -l_qu>, < l_ha, l_th, -l_qu>, l_th }
cylinder { <-l_ha, l_th, l_qu>, < l_ha, l_th, l_qu>, l_th }
sphere { <-l_ha, l_th, -l_qu>, l_th }
sphere { < l_ha, l_th, -l_qu>, l_th }
sphere { <-l_ha, l_th, l_qu>, l_th }
sphere { < l_ha, l_th, l_qu>, l_th }
// left lower uprights
cylinder { <-l_ha, 0.9 - l_th, -l_qu>, <-l_ha, l_th, -l_qu>, l_th }
cylinder { <-l_ha, 0.9 - l_th, l_qu>, <-l_ha, l_th, l_qu>, l_th }
sphere { <-l_ha, 0.9 - l_th, l_qu>, l_th }
sphere { <-l_ha, 0.9 - l_th, -l_qu>, l_th }
// lower left upsurface
cylinder { <-l_ha, 0.9 - l_th, -l_qu>, <0, 0.9 - l_th, -l_qu>, l_th }
sphere { <0, 0.9 - l_th, -l_qu>, l_th }
cylinder { <-l_ha, 0.9 - l_th, l_qu>, <0, 0.9 - l_th, l_qu>, l_th }
sphere { <0, 0.9 - l_th, l_qu>, l_th }
cylinder { <-l_ha, 0.9 - l_th, l_qu>, <-l_ha, 0.9 - l_th, -l_qu>, l_th }
cylinder { <0, 0.9 - l_th, l_qu>, <0, 0.9 - l_th, -l_qu>, l_th }
// right uprights - all the way up
cylinder { <l_ha, l_th, -l_qu>, <l_ha, 2 - l_th, -l_qu>, l_th }
cylinder { <l_ha, l_th, l_qu>, <l_ha, 2 - l_th, l_qu>, l_th }
sphere { <l_ha, 2 - l_th, -l_qu>, l_th }
sphere { <l_ha, 2 - l_th, l_qu>, l_th }
// inner uprights
cylinder { <0, 0.9 - l_th, -l_qu>, <0, 1.5, -l_qu>, l_th }
cylinder { <0, 0.9 - l_th, l_qu>, <0, 1.5, l_qu>, l_th }
sphere { <0, 1.5, -l_qu>, l_th }
sphere { <0, 1.5, l_qu>, l_th }
// left upper bump - bottom surface
cylinder { <0, 1.5, -l_qu>, <0, 1.5, l_qu>, l_th }
cylinder { <-l_qu, 1.5, -l_qu>, <0, 1.5, -l_qu>, l_th }
cylinder { <-l_qu, 1.5, l_qu>, <0, 1.5, l_qu>, l_th }
cylinder { <-l_qu, 1.5, -l_qu>, <-l_qu, 1.5, l_qu>, l_th }
sphere { <-l_qu, 1.5, -l_qu>, l_th }
sphere { <-l_qu, 1.5, l_qu>, l_th }
// left upper uprights
cylinder { <-l_qu, 1.5, -l_qu>, <-l_qu, 2 - l_th, -l_qu>, l_th }
cylinder { <-l_qu, 1.5, l_qu>, <-l_qu, 2 - l_th, l_qu>, l_th }
sphere { <-l_qu, 2 - l_th, -l_qu>, l_th }
sphere { <-l_qu, 2 - l_th, l_qu>, l_th }
// upper face
cylinder { <-l_qu, 2 - l_th, -l_qu>, <-l_qu, 2 - l_th, l_qu>, l_th }
cylinder { <l_ha, 2 - l_th, -l_qu>, <l_ha, 2 - l_th, l_qu>, l_th }
cylinder { <-l_qu, 2 - l_th, -l_qu>, <l_ha, 2 - l_th, -l_qu>, l_th }
cylinder { <-l_qu, 2 - l_th, l_qu>, <l_ha, 2 - l_th, l_qu>, l_th }
// this .pov file by Peter C. Capasso
// released in the public domain: share and enjoy ;)
#declare g_solid = union {
prism {
< l_ha, l_th>,
<-l_ha, l_th>,
<-l_ha, 0.9 - l_th>,
<0, 0.9 - l_th>,
<0, 1.5>,
<-l_qu, 1.5>,
<-l_qu, 2 - l_th>,
< l_ha, 2 - l_th>,
< l_ha, l_th>
prism {
<l_ha, 0>,
<-l_ha, 0>,
<-0.5, l_th>,
<-0.5, 0.9 - l_th>,
<-l_ha, 0.9>,
<-l_th, 0.9>,
<-l_th, 1.5 - l_th>,
<-l_qu, 1.5 - l_th>,
<-0.25, 1.5>,
<-0.25, 2 - l_th>,
<-l_qu, 2>,
<l_ha, 2>,
<0.5, 2 - l_th>,
<0.5, 0 + l_th>,
<l_ha, 0>
rotate x*-90
#macro random_limited_color()
#local bbase_color = <0, 0.2 + 0.6 * rand(rseed), 1>;
#local sat = rand(rseed);
#local sat = sqrt(sat);
#local rrc = (bbase_color * sat) + (1 - sat);
#macro rnd_color()
#local rr = random_limited_color();
#macro place_dinkus(put_here, rrad)
#local c1 = rnd_color();
#local c2 = rnd_color();
#if (rand(rseed) > 0.8)
#local glow_f = 1;
#local glow_f = 0;
union {
object {
pigment { color rgb c1 }
finish { ambient glow_f diffuse 1 - glow_f }
object {
pigment { color rgb c2 }
finish { ambient 1 - glow_f diffuse glow_f }
rotate y*rnd(360)
scale rrad
scale 1.7
translate put_here
#macro place_something(put_here, RAD)
#local rr = rnd(13);
#switch (rr)
#case (0)
#case (1)
#case (2)
#case (3)
sphere {
<0, 1, 0>, 1
scale RAD
translate put_here
pigment { color rgb 1 }
finish { ambient 0 diffuse 1 }
#case (4)
#case (5)
sphere {
<0, 1, 0>, 1
scale RAD
translate put_here
pigment { color rgb 1 }
finish { ambient 0 diffuse 0 reflection 1 }
place_dinkus(tt[cc], ttr[cc])
#end // wnd switch
#declare num_things = 570;
#declare tt = array[num_things]; /* center */
#declare ttr = array[num_things]; /* radius */
#declare tt[0] = <0, 0, 0>;
#declare ttr[0] = 0;
#declare cc = 0;
#while (cc < num_things)
#declare ttr[cc] = rrand(0.125, 0.5);
#declare tt[cc] = <rrand(-9, 9), 0 rrand(-7, 7)>;
#declare bump_yes = false;
#declare ck = 0;
#while (ck < cc)
#declare temp1 = tt[cc] - tt[ck];
#declare temp2 = vlength(temp1);
#declare temp3 = (ttr[cc] + ttr[ck]);
#if (temp2 < temp3)
#declare ck = cc;
#declare bump_yes = true;
#declare ck = ck + 1;
#if (bump_yes = false)
place_something(tt[cc], ttr[cc])
#debug concat(str(cc, 0, 0), "\n")
#declare cc = cc + 1;
#if (use_rad = false)
light_source {
<-4000, 3000, -3000>
color rgb <0.55, 0.5, 0.45>
light_source {
<3000, 2001, -4000>
color rgb <0.45, 0.5, 0.55>
/* actual end of this file */
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