#version unofficial MegaPov 0.4;
#declare rs = seed(4654786);
#macro BlobObject(containerObj, compNum, Strength, Rad)
// containerObj is the object to hold all of the blob components.
// compNum is the number of components.
// Strength is the strength for the components.
// Rad is the radius of the components.
#local K=0;
#local Pos = < rand(rs), rand(rs), rand(rs)>*
#while(eval_pattern(object {containerObj}, Pos) = 0)
#local Pos = < rand(rs), rand(rs), rand(rs)>*
sphere {Pos, Rad strength Strength}
#local K=K+1;
#macro BlobObject2(containerObj, compNum, Strength, Rad)
// containerObj is the object to hold all of the blob components.
// compNum is the blob resolution. It is a vector where the x, y, and z
// values are the number of components the grid will have on each
// Strength is the strength for the components.
// Rad is the radius of the components.
#local compCnt = 0;
#local J=0;
#local K=0;
#local L=0;
#local Pos = < J/(compNum.x), K/(compNum.y),
#if(eval_pattern(object {containerObj}, Pos) > 0)
sphere {Pos, Rad strength Strength}
#local compCnt=compCnt+1;
#local L=L+1;
#local K=K+1;
#local J=J+1;
#debug concat("\ncomponents in blob: ", str (compCnt, 2, 5), "\n")
object {// Obj
blob {
BlobObject(Obj, 6000, 0.5, 0.05)
// BlobObject2(Obj, < 512, 64, 1>, 2, 0.05)
threshold 0.5
texture {
pigment {color rgb < 0.45, 1, 0.3>}
finish {
blinn 1
reflection_min 0
reflection_max 0.25
reflection_type 1
interior {ior 1.22}
Chris Huff
e-mail: chr### [at] yahoocom
Web page: http://chrishuff.dhs.org/
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