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// Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer Scene Description File
// File: MeshPlanet.pov
// Author: Chris Huff
// Desc: A macro for creating planets. This scene uses
// an iteration which is far too small, and the resolution
// of the mesh is pretty coarse, but it demonstrates the
// basic use of the macro.
// Warning: this may take quite a while to parse.
// I will modify it to output the mesh to an include file,
// which will parse much faster. I might even make a C++
// version, which will run much faster than the POV-Ray
// version, although I would only provide an executable for
// Macintosh machines. Users of other OS's would have to
// compile it for themselves.
#include "colors.inc"
#version 3.1;
global_settings {
assumed_gamma 1.8
camera {
location <-3, 5, -8>
angle 35
look_at < 0, 0, 0>
#declare T_White = texture {pigment {color White}}
#declare T_Red = texture {pigment {color Red}}
#declare T_Green = texture {pigment {color Green}}
#declare T_Blue = texture {pigment {color Blue}}
#declare T_Blue2 = texture {pigment {color rgbf < 0.5, 0.5, 1, 1>}}
#macro MeshBall(Pos, Rad, xRes, yRes)
mesh {
#local J=0;
#local K=0;
#local ptA = vrotate(y*Rad, < J*(180/yRes), K*(360/xRes),
#local ptB = vrotate(y*Rad, < (J+1)*(180/yRes), K*(360/xRes),
#local ptC = vrotate(y*Rad, < J*(180/yRes),
(K+1)*(360/xRes), 0>);
#local ptD = vrotate(y*Rad, < (J+1)*(180/yRes),
(K+1)*(360/xRes), 0>);
triangle {ptA, ptB, ptC}
triangle {ptD, ptB, ptC}
#local K=K+1;
#local J=J+1;
translate Pos
#macro ModifyPt(Pt, Scale, I, Seed)
#local RS1 = seed(Seed);
#local Result = (Pt);
#local M=0;
#local tempPt = vrotate(Pt, < rand(RS1)*360, rand(RS1)*360,
#local tempPt = tempPt + < rand(RS1), rand(RS1), rand(RS1)>;
#local Result = Result + vnormalize(Pt)*Scale*(rand(RS1)*2 - 1);
// #local Result = Result*(1 + Scale*(rand(RS1)*2 - 1));
#local M=M+1;
#macro MeshPlanet(Pos, Rad, xRes, yRes, Seed, Scale, Iterations)
mesh {
#local J=0;
#local K=0;
#local ptA = vrotate(y*Rad, < J*(180/yRes),
K*(360/xRes), 0>);
#local ptB = vrotate(y*Rad, < (J+1)*(180/yRes),
K*(360/xRes), 0>);
#local ptC = vrotate(y*Rad, < J*(180/yRes),
(K+1)*(360/xRes), 0>);
#local ptD = vrotate(y*Rad, < (J+1)*(180/yRes),
(K+1)*(360/xRes), 0>);
#local ptA = ModifyPt(ptA, Scale, Iterations, Seed);
#local ptB = ModifyPt(ptB, Scale, Iterations, Seed);
#local ptC = ModifyPt(ptC, Scale, Iterations, Seed);
#local ptD = ModifyPt(ptD, Scale, Iterations, Seed);
#if(vlength(ptA - ptC) > 0.001)
triangle {ptA, ptB, ptC
// texture {T_Blue}
#if(vlength(ptB - ptD) > 0.001)
triangle {ptD, ptB, ptC
// texture {T_Green}
#local K=K+1;
#local J=J+1;
translate Pos
sphere {< 0, 0, 0>, 0.99
texture {T_Blue2}
//MeshBall(< 0, 0, 0 >, 1, 50, 7)
//MeshPlanet(< 0, 0, 0 >, 1, 200, 100, 456123, 0.005, 150)
MeshPlanet(< 0, 0, 0>, 1, 100, 50, 456123, 0.005, 20)
texture {T_White}
// rotate x*180
light_source {<-20, 45,-50> color White}
Chris Huff
e-mail: chr### [at] yahoo com
Web page: http://chrishuff.dhs.org/
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![](/i/fill.gif) |