Textur Blur Finction + example
1:1 ratio
started ~10.07.2002, last ver 0.55 20.07.2002 for 3.5win
// vvv OPTIONS ==================
#declare blur1_rad = 0.02; // radius +n. def.: 0.02
#declare blur1_sampl = 6; // samples +n def.: 6 0=off
// pigment - MONOCHROME :
#declare fn1 = function { pigment {
marble color_map {[0 color rgb 0][0.1 color rgb 0.2][0.92 color rgb
0.5][1 color rgb 1]}
scale 2 turbulence 1.0
} }
#declare blur2_rad = 0.02; // radius +n. def.: 0.02
#declare blur2_sampl = 6; // samples +n def.: 6 0=off
// pigment - MONOCHROME :
#declare fn2 = function { pigment { checker color rgb 0 color rgb 1 scale
<1,1,1000> } }
// ^^^ OPTIONS ==================
#include "functions.inc"
camera { right x up y location -z*10 }
light_source { <-30,100,-100>*10 color rgb 1 }
#declare f1 = function(_x,_y,_z) {
#if (!blur1_sampl)
#local r=blur1_sampl; #local sc=blur1_rad;
#local maxDist = sqrt(r*r*3);
#local ax=-r; #while (ax<=+r)
#local ay=-r; #while (ay<=+r)
#local az=-r; #while (az<=+r)
fn1(_x+ax*sc,_y+ay*sc,_z+az*sc).gray +
#local az=az+1; #end
#local ay=ay+1; #end
#local ax=ax+1; #end
0) / pow((r*2+1),3)
#declare f2 = function(_x,_y,_z) {
#if (!blur2_sampl)
#local r=blur2_sampl; #local sc=blur2_rad;
#local maxDist = sqrt(r*r*3);
#local ax=-r; #while (ax<=+r)
#local ay=-r; #while (ay<=+r)
#local az=-r; #while (az<=+r)
fn2(_x+ax*sc,_y+ay*sc,_z+az*sc).gray +
#local az=az+1; #end
#local ay=ay+1; #end
#local ax=ax+1; #end
0) / pow((r*2+1),3)
sphere { 0 1
texture { pigment { function { f1(x,y,z) } scale 0.2 } finish { specular
0.9 roughness 0.02 } }
texture { pigment { function { f2(x,y,z) }
color_map { [0 color rgbf <1,.1,.1,.5>][1 color rgbf <1,.9,.6,.9>] }
scale .3
} }
scale 4
> A jedyne co czytam, ze to terrorysci internetowi z echelonu planuja
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- Expert vel Jacek (obecnie gol### [at] pocztaonetpl)
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