POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.text.scene-files : FixSeams: One Solution to Fix Black Texture Seams in Meshes Server Time
30 Dec 2024 12:19:45 EST (-0500)
  FixSeams: One Solution to Fix Black Texture Seams in Meshes (Message 1 to 1 of 1)  
From: stbenge
Subject: FixSeams: One Solution to Fix Black Texture Seams in Meshes
Date: 29 Nov 2011 21:07:20
Message: <4ed58fd8@news.povray.org>

Here's a file that can diminish unsightly, black seams that occur in the 
images that you use in your meshes.

This file will fill the black areas in your textures with values derived 
from neighboring pixels. It looks at the black areas and attempts to 
pull relevant (non-black) pixel values in, thus keeping the "dreaded 
black seams," from appearing in your final render.

You might need to apply it more than once, though in my tests only one 
pass was all I needed (tested on a 2048x2048 image).

It is meant to be used on images that need to be "fixed" to eliminate 
black seams.


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