POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.text.scene-files : edgeFinder.pov for MegaPOV Server Time
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  edgeFinder.pov for MegaPOV (Message 1 to 3 of 3)  
From: stbenge
Subject: edgeFinder.pov for MegaPOV
Date: 18 Jun 2010 17:54:08
Message: <4c1beb00@news.povray.org>
This code will render edges from any object or pigment -- whatever the 
camera is looking at. It's probably been done too many times already, 
but here's another version anyway :)


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From: Paolo Gibellini
Subject: Re: edgeFinder.pov for MegaPOV
Date: 21 Jun 2010 08:32:13
Message: <4c1f5bcd$1@news.povray.org>
>stbenge  on date 18/06/2010 23:54 wrote:
> This code will render edges from any object or pigment -- whatever the
> camera is looking at. It's probably been done too many times already,
> but here's another version anyway :)
> Sam
Thank you Sam, it's time to do some cartoons now ;-)

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From: stbenge
Subject: Re: edgeFinder.pov for MegaPOV
Date: 21 Jun 2010 11:52:43
Message: <4c1f8acb@news.povray.org>
Paolo Gibellini wrote:
>  >stbenge  on date 18/06/2010 23:54 wrote:
>> This code will render edges from any object or pigment -- whatever the
>> camera is looking at. It's probably been done too many times already,
>> but here's another version anyway :)
>> Sam
> Thank you Sam, it's time to do some cartoons now ;-)
> Paolo

Sure, I hope it works for you. It wasn't set up for 'toon rendering 
(with coloring); for that certain considerations would have to be made. 
The only solution I've come up with involves making two objects and two 
camera_view pigments, and layering the result of both into the final 

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