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// Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer Scene Description File
// File: deckrooms.inc
// Vers: 3.5
// Desc: Stateroom macros for Deck systems
// Date: 02/11/05
// Auth: Joseph Jaquinta
// scale units in meters
#declare deck_dumb = 0;
#declare deck_smart = 0;
#macro deck_room_bounds(leftAngle, rightAngle, insideRadius, outsideRadius)
#local sinLeft = -sin(radians(leftAngle));
#local cosLeft = cos(radians(leftAngle));
#local sinRight = -sin(radians(rightAngle));
#local cosRight = cos(radians(rightAngle));
#local sgnSinLeft = sgn(sinLeft);
#local sgnSinRight = sgn(sinRight);
#local sgnCosLeft = sgn(cosLeft);
#local sgnCosRight = sgn(cosRight);
//#debug concat("leftAngle=",str(leftAngle,5,2),",
#if (sgnSinLeft != sgnSinRight)
#if (sgnCosLeft < 0)
#local lowBound =
//#debug concat(" clip left (-x).\n")
#local highBound =
//#debug concat(" clip right (+x).\n")
#if (sgnCosLeft != sgnCosRight)
#if (sgnSinLeft > 0)
#local highBound =
//#debug concat(" clip top (+z).\n")
#local lowBound =
//#debug concat(" clip bottom (-z).\n")
box { lowBound, highBound }
#macro deck_room_bounds_30pps(leftAngle, rightAngle, insideRadius,
#local sinLeft = sin(radians(leftAngle));
#local cosLeft = cos(radians(leftAngle));
#local sinRight = sin(radians(rightAngle));
#local cosRight = cos(radians(rightAngle));
#if (sinLeft < 0)
#local sgnSinLeft = -1;
#if (sinLeft > 0)
#local sgnSinLeft = 1;
#local sgnSinLeft = 0;
#if (sinRight < 0)
#local sgnSinRight = -1;
#if (sinRight > 0)
#local sgnSinRight = 1;
#local sgnSinRight = 0;
#if (cosLeft < 0)
#local sgnCosLeft = -1;
#if (cosLeft > 0)
#local sgnCosLeft = 1;
#local sgnCosLeft = 0;
#if (cosRight < 0)
#local sgnCosRight = -1;
#if (cosRight > 0)
#local sgnCosRight = 1;
#local sgnCosRight = 0;
#if (sgnSinLeft = sgnSinRight)
#if (sgnCosLeft = sgnCosRight)
#declare deck_smart = deck_smart + 1;
#local lowBound=<-outsideRadius,-e,-outsideRadius>;
#local highBound=<outsideRadius,DECK_HEIGHT+e,outsideRadius>;
#declare deck_dumb = deck_dumb + 1;
#local lowBound=<-outsideRadius,-e,-outsideRadius>;
#local highBound=<outsideRadius,DECK_HEIGHT+e,outsideRadius>;
#declare deck_dumb = deck_dumb + 1;
box { lowBound, highBound }
// left & right from POV of center of circle
// leftAngle : left/anticockwise side
// rightAngle : right/clockwise side
// insideRadius : inner wall
// outsideRadius : outer wall
// leftWall : 0 = skip, 1 = solid, 2 = partition, 3 = door
// rightWall : 0 = skip, 1 = solid, 2 = partition, 3 = door
// insideWall : 0 = skip, 1 = solid, 2 = solid with doors
// outsideWall : 0 = skip, 1 = solid, 2 = solid with doors
#macro deck_room(leftAngle, rightAngle, insideRadius, outsideRadius,
leftWall, rightWall, insideWall, outsideWall)
#local w = outsideRadius - insideRadius;
#local a = rightAngle - leftAngle;
// left wall
#if (leftWall = 1)
object { deck_wall(w) translate x*insideRadius rotate y*leftAngle }
#if (leftWall = 2)
object { deck_wall(w*.25) }
object { deck_partition(w*.25) translate x*w*.25 }
object { deck_wall(w*.25) translate x*w*.75 }
translate x*insideRadius rotate y*leftAngle
#if (leftWall = 3)
object { deck_wall(w) }
object { deck_door1_cutout() translate x*w*.75 }
object { deck_door1(1) translate x*w*.75 }
translate x*insideRadius rotate y*leftAngle
// right wall
#if (rightWall = 1)
object { deck_wall(w) translate x*insideRadius rotate y*rightAngle
#if (rightWall = 2)
object { deck_wall(w*.25) }
object { deck_partition(w*.25) translate x*w*.25 }
object { deck_wall(w*.25) translate x*w*.75 }
translate x*insideRadius rotate y*rightAngle
#if (rightWall = 3)
object { deck_wall(w) }
object { deck_door1_cutout() translate x*w*.75 }
object { deck_door1(1) translate x*w*.75 }
translate x*insideRadius rotate y*rightAngle
// inside wall
#if (insideWall = 1)
object { deck_wall_curved(a, insideRadius) rotate y*(-a/2 +
rightAngle) }
#if (insideWall = 2)
object { deck_wall_curved(a, insideRadius) }
object { deck_door1_curved_cutout(insideRadius) }
object { deck_door1_curved(1, insideRadius) }
rotate y*(-a/2 + rightAngle)
// outside wall
#if (outsideWall = 1)
object { deck_wall_curved(a, outsideRadius) rotate y*(-a/2 +
rightAngle) }
#if (outsideWall = 2)
object { deck_wall_curved(a, outsideRadius) }
object { deck_door1_curved_cutout(outsideRadius) }
object { deck_door1_curved(1, outsideRadius) }
rotate y*(-a/2 + rightAngle)
#macro deck_room_lounge(leftAngle, rightAngle, insideRadius,
outsideRadius, leftWall, rightWall, insideWall, outsideWall)
deck_room(leftAngle, rightAngle, insideRadius, outsideRadius,
leftWall, rightWall, insideWall, outsideWall)
#macro deck_room_bedroom(leftAngle, rightAngle, insideRadius,
outsideRadius, leftWall, rightWall, insideWall, outsideWall)
deck_room(leftAngle, rightAngle, insideRadius, outsideRadius,
leftWall, rightWall, insideWall, outsideWall)
#macro deck_room_bathroom(leftAngle, rightAngle, insideRadius,
outsideRadius, leftWall, rightWall, insideWall, outsideWall)
deck_room(leftAngle, rightAngle, insideRadius, outsideRadius,
leftWall, rightWall, insideWall, outsideWall)
#macro deck_room_stateroom_onedouble(leftAngle, rightAngle,
insideRadius, outsideRadius, leftWall, rightWall, insideWall, outsideWall)
#local a = (rightAngle - leftAngle)/5;
// lounge
deck_room_lounge(leftAngle+a*0, leftAngle+a*2, insideRadius,
outsideRadius, leftWall, 2, insideWall, outsideWall)
// bedroom
deck_room_bedroom(leftAngle+a*2, leftAngle+a*4, insideRadius,
outsideRadius, 0, 3, insideWall, outsideWall)
// bathroom
deck_room_bathroom(leftAngle+a*4, leftAngle+a*5, insideRadius,
outsideRadius, 0, rightWall, 1, 1)
bounded_by { deck_room_bounds(leftAngle, rightAngle, insideRadius,
outsideRadius) }
#macro deck_room_stateroom_twodoubles(leftAngle, rightAngle,
insideRadius, outsideRadius, leftWall, rightWall, insideWall, outsideWall)
#local a = (rightAngle - leftAngle)/9;
// left lounge
deck_room_lounge(leftAngle+a*0, leftAngle+a*2, insideRadius,
outsideRadius, leftWall, 2, insideWall, outsideWall)
// left bedroom
deck_room_bedroom(leftAngle+a*2, leftAngle+a*4, insideRadius,
outsideRadius, 0, 3, insideWall, outsideWall)
// bathroom
deck_room_bathroom(leftAngle+a*4, leftAngle+a*5, insideRadius,
outsideRadius, 0, 0, 1, 1)
// right bedroom
deck_room_bedroom(leftAngle+a*5, leftAngle+a*7, insideRadius,
outsideRadius, 3, 0, insideWall, outsideWall)
// right lounge
deck_room_lounge(leftAngle+a*7, leftAngle+a*9, insideRadius,
outsideRadius, 2, rightWall, insideWall, outsideWall)
bounded_by { deck_room_bounds(leftAngle, rightAngle, insideRadius,
outsideRadius) }
// leftDouble : 0 = none, 1 = present
// rightDouble : 0 = none, 1 = present
#macro deck_room_stateroom_quad(leftAngle, rightAngle, insideRadius,
outsideRadius, leftWall, rightWall, insideWall, outsideWall, leftDouble,
#local a = (rightAngle - leftAngle)/(8 + leftDouble*4 + rightDouble*4);
#local ang = leftAngle;
#if (leftDouble > 0)
// left lounge
deck_room_lounge(ang+a*0, ang+a*2, insideRadius, outsideRadius,
leftWall, 2, insideWall, outsideWall)
// left bedroom
deck_room_bedroom(ang+a*2, ang+a*4, insideRadius, outsideRadius, 0,
3, insideWall, outsideWall)
#local ang = ang + a*4;
#local leftWall = 0;
#if (rightDouble > 0)
// right bedroom
deck_room_bedroom(ang+a*8, ang+a*10, insideRadius, outsideRadius,
0, 3, insideWall, outsideWall)
// right lounge
deck_room_lounge(ang+a*10, ang+a*12, insideRadius, outsideRadius,
1, rightWall, insideWall, outsideWall)
#local rightWall = 3;
// left bathroom
deck_room_bathroom(ang+a*0, ang+a*1, insideRadius, outsideRadius,
leftWall, 3, 1, 1)
// left bedroom
deck_room_bedroom(ang+a*1, ang+a*3, insideRadius, outsideRadius, 0,
2, insideWall, outsideWall)
// mid lounge
deck_room_lounge(ang+a*3, ang+a*5, insideRadius, outsideRadius, 0, 0,
insideWall, outsideWall)
// right bedroom
deck_room_bedroom(ang+a*5, ang+a*7, insideRadius, outsideRadius, 2,
0, insideWall, outsideWall)
// right bathroom
deck_room_bathroom(ang+a*7, ang+a*8, insideRadius, outsideRadius, 3,
rightWall, 1, 1)
bounded_by { deck_room_bounds(leftAngle, rightAngle, insideRadius,
outsideRadius) }
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