Check _Snail racing..._ in p.g for more info.
Anyone think they can reduce the render time with Fltr=1?
Watch linewraps in area_light and #default in posting.
// Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer Scene Description File
// File: blob99.pov
// Vers: 3.5
// Desc: Warning: Has long render time with Fltr>0.9
// Date: 25 Aug 2002
// Auth: Alf Peake, gw3### [at] qslnet
//+w320 +h240 +gastats.out
#version 3.5;
#declare Photons = no; // Want photons?
#declare Blurr = no; // Want focal blur?
#declare Fltr = 0; // Filter, between 0 and 1.
assumed_gamma 1.0
max_trace_level 60
#if (Photons)
photons {
count 50000 // Whatever, start low.
// save_file "Photns"
// load_file "Photns"
camera{ location <-2.7, 3.7,-5.4> // Or -z*7 and rotate camera
up y right x*image_width/image_height
angle 52
look_at <-0.5,-0.6,-0.3>
#if (Blurr)
aperture 0.05
blur_samples 20
focal_point <0,0,0>
confidence 0.97
variance 0.005
light_source{ <500, 700, -50> 1.4
// area_light <50, 0, 0>, <0, 0, 50>, 3, 3 jitter adaptive 1
circular orient
photons{ refraction on reflection on }
background{ rgb 1 }
//default{ finish{ phong 0.7 phong_size 100 diffuse 0.8 ambient
0.2 } }
//box{ <-4,-0.82,-4.5>,<10,-0.82,10> pigment{ rgb 0.7 } }
#declare NwClrV3 = // The pigment gradient
spline{ linear_spline
0.0, <1, 1, 0>
1/6, <0.15, 1, 0.15>
2/6, <0, 1, 1>
3/6, <0.15, 0.15, 1>
4/6, <1, 0, 1>
5/6, <1, 0.05, 0.05>
1.0, <1, 1, 0>
#declare Rad1 = 2; // Torus major
#declare Rad2 = 0.52; // Torus minor
#declare Rad3 = 0.46; // Swept sphere's radius
#declare NBalls=600; // Total spheres.
#declare MajorTurns=4; // Use 2
#declare MinorTurns=7; // and 3 for a simpler blob.
#declare BallsPerMinorTurn=NBalls/MinorTurns;
#declare Inc1=MajorTurns*360/NBalls;
#declare Inc2=360/BallsPerMinorTurn;
#declare Count=0;
blob{ threshold 0.7
#while (Count<NBalls)
sphere{ 0, Rad3, 0.35
// I think this is more readable than vrotate() family
translate z*Rad2
rotate <Inc2*Count-40,0,0> // -40 optional
translate z*Rad1
rotate <0,Inc1*Count,0>
pigment{ rgb NwClrV3( Count/NBalls ) filter Fltr }
#if (Fltr)
finish{ phong 0.7 phong_size 300
diffuse 0 ambient 0.1
reflection { 0.05, 0.15 fresnel on } conserve_energy
finish{ phong 0.7 phong_size 100 diffuse 0.8 ambient 0.2 }
} // sphere
#declare Count=Count+1;
#end // while
interior{ ior 1.5 }
target 0.2
refraction on
reflection off
collect off
} // blob
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"MIKA" <nos### [at] pleasecom> wrote in message
news:Xns### [at] 204213191226...
> Well i've picked it up, and having a blast with it. Although I have
> a 1gig CPU, this simple but complex scene will take forever to
> with Filter=1.
The best of luck :) I was hoping someone would see a silly mistake in
my script but as you can see, it is POV having to work very hard with
the multiple textures.
> I've replaced the blobs with spheres instead, although somewhat
> will still take a little less then forever...
Yes, spheres are faster but then merge{} is also slow :(
Did you see in p.g ?
This is a merge of 400 spheres, each with their own texture, 400*300
64K. No photons, around 18 hours.
The blob would seem to be an ideal render farm scene.
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