I'm making this scene just so I can learn about macros. I have a few
questions. How come the cheerios are alwawys contained within what looks
like a square even though I'm useing a disc in VRand_In_Obj? Also how can I
get the look to make sure the ceerios don't overlap?
#version 3.5;
#include "colors.inc"
#include "rand.inc"
global_settings {
assumed_gamma 1.0
#declare Cheerio =
torus {
pigment {color rgb <1,.8,.5> }
#declare area =
disc {
<0, -.4, 0>
#macro FillBowl ()
#declare Index = 1;
#while(Index <= 90)
object {Cheerio
translate VRand_In_Obj(area, RdmB)
#declare Index = Index + 1;
// ----------------------------------------
camera {
location <0.0, 3, -4.0>
direction 1.5*z
right x*image_width/image_height
look_at <0.0, 0.0, 0.0>
sky_sphere {
pigment {
gradient y
color_map {
[0.0 rgb <0.6,0.7,1.0>]
[0.7 rgb <0.0,0.1,0.8>]
light_source {
<0, 0, 0> // light's position (translated below)
color rgb <1, 1, 1> // light's color
translate <-30, 30, -30>
// ----------------------------------------
plane {
y, -1
pigment { color rgb <0.7,0.5,0.3> }
merge {
difference {
sphere { 0.0, 1 }
box { <-2, 0, -2> < 2, 2, 2> }
sphere { 0.0, .98 }
cylinder { -1*y, 0*y, .7 }
torus { 0.99, 0.01 }
cylinder { -.75*y, -.68*y, .7 }
texture {
pigment {
gradient y //this is the PATTERN_TYPE
color_map {
[0.0 color White]
[0.9 color White]
[0.91 color rgb <0,.5,0>]
[0.95 color rgb <0,.5,0>]
[0.96 color White]
[1.0 color White]
normal { crackle .1 scale .02 metric 1}
finish { specular 1 roughness .05}
translate y*-.25
difference {
sphere { 0.0, .98 }
box { <-2, -.15, -2> < 2, 2, 2> }
translate y*-.25
pigment {color White }
finish {ambient .6}
FillBowl ()
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