Source for the image posted on the binaries group.
Makes a mesh2 sphere and then distorts it. Makes a second
mesh2 sphere and distorts that as well. Then scatters a
bunch of them around.
/* testing mesh2 object */
//#include "environment.pov"
#declare already_rendered = false;
#declare mesh_file = "mesh2_sphere_zoom1.inc"
#declare rseed = seed(86047920);
#declare rot_seed = seed(39121374);
#if (already_rendered = false)
#declare txtr_output_file = mesh_file
#fopen _txtr_file txtr_output_file write
#macro rnd(n)
#local rr_return = rand(rseed); // throw away rnd to stir up RNG
#local rr_return = int((rand(rseed) * n));
#macro rrand(rlo, rhi)
#local real_lo = min(rlo, rhi);
#local real_hi = max(rlo, rhi);
#local rresult = (rand(rseed) * (rhi - rlo)) + rlo;
camera {
location 0
direction <0, 0, 0.3> // wongo ulta-wide
up <0, 1, 0>
right <(image_width / image_height), 0, 0>
translate <0, 0, -6>
/* now lets get tricky. This will build a mesh2 in some
arrays, then at the end convert the arrays to a mesh2.
We use a do_triangle routine that takes the given
three points and adds them to the arrays. It matches
to existing points, optimizing for the mesh2.
I hope it works.
#declare max_pts = 300;
#declare num_pts = 0;
#declare pts_array = array[max_pts]
#declare max_faces = 800;
#declare num_faces = 0;
#declare faces_array = array[max_faces]
#declare pts_array[0] = <0, 0, 0>; // force type to be 3-vector
#declare faces_array[0] = <0, 0, 0>; // force type to be 3-vector
// add_triangle: add triangle to the existing mesh2 arrays.
// It will check if any of the points exist in the mesh2
#macro add_triangle(p1, p2, p3)
// phase one, add points (vertexes)
#local closeness = 0.01;
// search for first point
#local cc = 0;
#local point_found = false;
#while (cc < num_pts)
#if (vlength((pts_array[cc] - p1)) < closeness)
#local point_found = true;
#local p1_index = cc;
#local cc = num_pts; // signal end of loop
#local cc = cc + 1; // keep searching
#if (point_found = false) // add new point
#declare pts_array[num_pts] = p1;
#local p1_index = num_pts;
#declare num_pts = num_pts + 1;
// search for second point
#local cc = 0;
#local point_found = false;
#while (cc < num_pts)
#if (vlength((pts_array[cc] - p2)) < closeness)
#local point_found = true;
#local p2_index = cc;
#local cc = num_pts; // signal end of loop
#local cc = cc + 1; // keep searching
#if (point_found = false) // add new point
#declare pts_array[num_pts] = p2;
#local p2_index = num_pts;
#declare num_pts = num_pts + 1;
// search for third point
#local cc = 0;
#local point_found = false;
#while (cc < num_pts)
#if (vlength((pts_array[cc] - p3)) < closeness)
#local point_found = true;
#local p3_index = cc;
#local cc = num_pts; // signal end of loop
#local cc = cc + 1; // keep searching
#if (point_found = false) // add new point
#declare pts_array[num_pts] = p3;
#local p3_index = num_pts;
#declare num_pts = num_pts + 1;
// all three points have either been found in the points
// array or have been added to the points array. In either
// case, the p1_index, p2_index, p3_index variables now
// hold the indexes to the points.
// that was hard
// phase two, add faces (face = triangle)
#declare faces_array[num_faces] = <p1_index, p2_index, p3_index>;
#declare num_faces = num_faces + 1;
// that was easy
#macro do_quad(p1, p2, p3, p4)
add_triangle(p1, p2, p3)
add_triangle(p1, p3, p4)
#macro emit_mesh2()
#write(_txtr_file, "mesh2 {\n")
#write(_txtr_file, " vertex_vectors {\n")
#write(_txtr_file, " ", str(num_pts, 0, 0), ",\n")
#local cc = 0;
#while (cc < num_pts)
#if (cc = (num_pts - 1))
#write(_txtr_file, " ", pts_array[cc], "\n") // end; no
#write(_txtr_file, " ", pts_array[cc], ",\n") // comma
#local cc = cc + 1;
#write(_txtr_file, " }\n") // end of points/vertexes
#write(_txtr_file, " face_indices {\n")
#write(_txtr_file, " ", str(num_faces, 0, 0), "\n")
#local cc = 0;
#while (cc < num_faces)
#if (cc = (num_faces - 1))
#write(_txtr_file, " ", faces_array[cc], "\n") // end; no
#write(_txtr_file, " ", faces_array[cc], ",\n") // comma
#local cc = cc + 1;
#write(_txtr_file, " }\n") // end of faces
#write(_txtr_file, "}\n\n\n") // end of mesh
#end // end of macro
// now use macros and arrays to build a mesh ...
#macro build_mesh()
#debug "building mesh object\n"
#local elivation_steps = 12;
#local roty_steps = 24;
#local elivation = 0;
#while (elivation < 180)
#local roty = 0;
#while (roty < 360)
#local height1 = cos(radians(elivation));
#local height2 = cos(radians(elivation +
#local scale1 = sin(radians(elivation));
#local scale2 = sin(radians(elivation + (180/elivation_steps)));
#local XY1 = <cos(radians(roty)), 1, sin(radians(roty))>;
#local XY2 = <
cos(radians(roty + (360/roty_steps))),
sin(radians(roty + (360/roty_steps)))
<XY1.x * scale1, height1, XY1.z * scale1>,
<XY2.x * scale1, height1, XY2.z * scale1>,
<XY2.x * scale2, height2, XY2.z * scale2>,
<XY1.x * scale2, height2, XY1.z * scale2>
#local roty = roty + (360 / roty_steps);
#local elivation = elivation + (180 / elivation_steps); // degrees
// perturb mesh points
#macro perturb_mesh()
#debug "randomizing points\n"
#local cc = 0;
#while (cc < 50) // number of gravity/perturbing sources
// first determine center of a gravity source
#local grav_source = <rrand(-3, 3), rrand(-3, 3), rrand(-3, 3)>;
// Now perturb all points towards the gravity source, based on
// their closeness to the gravity source
#local ck = 0;
#while (ck < num_pts)
#local force = vlength((pts_array[ck] - grav_source));
#if (force < 2)
#local force_vector = grav_source - pts_array[ck];
// next line: scale it to be a unit vector
#local force_vector = force_vector / vlength(force_vector);
#declare pts_array[ck] = pts_array[ck] + (force_vector * (2 -
#local ck = ck + 1;
#local cc = cc + 1;
#if (already_rendered = false)
#write(_txtr_file, "#declare test1 = ")
#declare num_pts = 0;
#declare num_faces = 0;
#write(_txtr_file, "#declare test2 = ")
#fclose _txtr_file
#include mesh_file
#declare h_displacement = 3;
#declare cc = 0;
#while (cc < 31)
object {
#if (mod(cc, 2) = 0)
scale 2
rotate x*360*rand(rot_seed)
rotate y*360*rand(rot_seed)
translate <8 * sin((cc/31) * 5 * 2 * pi), 8 * cos((cc/31) * 5 * 2
* pi), cc/2>
pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.95, 1> }
finish { ambient 0.5 diffuse 0.5 }
#declare cc = cc + 1;
object {
scale 2
rotate x*360*rand(rot_seed)
rotate y*360*rand(rot_seed)
translate <0, 0, 10>
pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.95, 1> }
finish { ambient 0.5 diffuse 0.5 }
light_source {
<-3000, 3000, -3000>
color rgb <0.45, 0.5, 0.55>
light_source {
<2801, 2900, -3010>
color rgb <0.55, 0.5, 0.45>
/* actual end of this file */
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