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Hi, I have a macro (follows) that I am useing to try and make corogated
sheets with.
The problem is there are obvoius joins along the sheets, how can I remove
these so that it actually looks like a single sheet?
// Corogate Macro
#macro Corogate(Length, Width, Radius, T)
#local Bsq = (Radius/2) * (Radius/2)
#local Csq = Radius*Radius
#local Asq = Csq - Bsq
#local Chord = sqrt(Asq)
#local StartPos = 0 - (Chord/2) //-((Width/2) - (Chord/2)) // So sheet starts on
edge of width
#debug "\n\n##\n## My Debug Output is here\n##\n\n\n"
#debug concat("Bsq = ",str(Bsq,0,-1),"\n")
#debug concat("Csq = ",str(Csq,0,-1),"\n")
#debug concat("Asq = ",str(Asq,0,-1),"\n")
#debug concat("Chord = ",str(Chord,0,-1),"\n")
#debug "\n\n##\n## My Debug Output ends here\n##\n\n\n"
#local Outer = union
#local XPos = (Chord/2)
cylinder { <XPos,0,-(Length/2)>,<XPos,0,(Length/2)>, Radius}
box {<XPos-Radius-T,-Radius-T,-Length>, <XPos+Radius+T,(Radius-T)/2,Length>}
cylinder { <XPos,0,-(Length)>,<XPos,0,(Length)>, Radius-T }
#local Coro = union
rotate <0,0,180>
translate <(3*(Chord))-(T/2),Radius-T,0>
#local Sheet = difference
#local Count = 0
#local CoroLen = (Chord*2) - (T/2)
#local TotLen = (Chord*2)
#while (TotLen < Width)
#render concat("TotLen = ",str(TotLen,0,-1),"\n")
translate <(CoroLen * Count),0,0>
#local TotLen = TotLen + CoroLen
#local Count = Count + 2
// Sheet might run over width so trim it.
box {<(Width),-Radius-T,-Length>, <Width,Radius+T,Length>}
object {Sheet}
Rob Brown-Bayliss
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Rob Brown-Bayliss wrote:
> Hi, I have a macro (follows) that I am useing to try and make
> corogated sheets with.
> The problem is there are obvoius joins along the sheets, how can I
> remove these so that it actually looks like a single sheet?
Below is a macro I just made that will work in
a similar way as yours. And I think that it
doesn't have the same problems as yours.
It got quite big and kind of ugly, so I have
tried to comment it a bit (in case you want to
have a closer look at it).
The macro takes an extra parameter that is the
angle that the "upper" and "lower" parts of
the waves runs trough. (Hmmm... Bad explanation
- Try the different settings below to see how
it works.)
Tor Olav
// ===== 1 ======= 2 ======= 3 ======= 4 ======= 5 ======= 6 ======= 7 =
// By Tor Olav Kristensen
// mailto:tor### [at] hotmailcom
// http://www.crosswinds.net/~tok
// ===== 1 ======= 2 ======= 3 ======= 4 ======= 5 ======= 6 ======= 7 =
#version 3.1;
#include "colors.inc"
// ===== 1 ======= 2 ======= 3 ======= 4 ======= 5 ======= 6 ======= 7 =
#macro WavySheet(Length, Width, T, Radius, Angle)
#local O = // O-shape
difference {
cylinder { -z*Length/2, z*Length/2, Radius + T/2 }
cylinder { -z*Length, z*Length, Radius - T/2 }
#local U = // U-shape
difference { // Make it by cutting in the O-shape
object { O }
#switch (Angle) // Decide what to cut away
#case (0) // Remove all
cylinder { -z*Length, z*Length, Radius + T }
#case (180) // Remove half
plane { x, 0 }
#range (0, 180) // Remove more than half
plane { x, 0 }
plane { -x, 0 rotate Angle*z }
#case (360) // Remove nothing
#range (180, 360) // Remove less than half
intersection {
plane { x, 0 }
plane { -x, 0 rotate Angle*z }
#else // The angle is less than 0 or greater than 360 degrees
#error "Macro WavySheet: Angle out of range"
#end // switch
translate Radius*y // "Elevate" it so that the "rim" touches origo
rotate -Angle/2*z // Tilt sideways so that the U lies horizontal
#local S = // S-shape
union { // Make it from two U-shapes that both "starts" at origo
object { U }
object { U rotate 180*z }
#local vP = vrotate(Radius*y, -Angle/2*z);
#local W = 4*vP.x; // "Width" of the S-shape
#local H = 2*(Radius - vP.y); // "Heigth" of the S-shape
#declare Nr = int(Width/W); // Number of S-shapes to add to each side
#if (Nr <= 0) // Only one S-shape is required
#local Waves = object { S }
#else // More than one S-shape is required
#local Waves =
union {
object { S } // So put one in the middle
#local Cnt = 1;
#while (Cnt <= Nr) // And then add some more to each side
object { S translate -Cnt*W*x }
object { S translate Cnt*W*x }
#local Cnt = Cnt + 1;
#end // while
#end // if
object {
clipped_by {
box {
-<Width, H + T, Length>,
<Width, H + T, Length>
scale <1, 1, 1 + 1E-6>/2
bounded_by { clipped_by }
#end // macro WavySheet
// ===== 1 ======= 2 ======= 3 ======= 4 ======= 5 ======= 6 ======= 7 =
#declare LENGTH = 6;
#declare WIDTH = 8;
#declare THICKNESS = 0.3;
#declare RADIUS = 2;
#declare ANGLE = 70;
// Uncomment to see antoher wave shape
#declare LENGTH = 4;
#declare WIDTH = 10;
#declare THICKNESS = 0.2;
#declare RADIUS = 2;
#declare ANGLE = 210;
// And then a quite different shape
#declare LENGTH = 0.5;
#declare WIDTH = 14;
#declare THICKNESS = 0.1;
#declare RADIUS = 3;
#declare ANGLE = 345;
object {
pigment { color White }
// ===== 1 ======= 2 ======= 3 ======= 4 ======= 5 ======= 6 ======= 7 =
light_source { <1, 2, -3>*100 color White }
camera {
location <0, 0, -10>
look_at <0, 0, 0>
// ===== 1 ======= 2 ======= 3 ======= 4 ======= 5 ======= 6 ======= 7 =
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> Below is a macro I just made that will work in a similar way as yours.
> And I think that it doesn't have the same problems as yours.
> It got quite big and kind of ugly, so I have tried to comment it a bit
> (in case you want to have a closer look at it).
> The macro takes an extra parameter that is the angle that the "upper"
> and "lower" parts of the waves runs trough. (Hmmm... Bad explanation -
> Try the different settings below to see how it works.)
Thanks, I've just had a quick look and it seems to be real good. It's
big though :o)
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