/// Here's my try at lightning. - Nekar Xenos ////
assumed_gamma 1.0
// ----------------------------------------
location <0.0, 0.5, -5.0>
look_at <0.0, 0.0, 0.0>
#declare R1 = seed(2531);
#declare StrengthVal = 1.0 ;
#declare RadiusVal = 1 ;
#declare Scale = 0.1 ;
#declare LightnStartX = -1 ;
#declare LightnStartY = 3 ;
#declare LightnStartZ = 5 ;
#declare LightnStart = < LightnStartX, LightnStartY, LightnStartZ >
#declare LightnEndX = 0 ;
#declare LightnEndY = -4 ;
#declare LightnEndZ = 6 ;
#declare LightnEnd = < LightnEndX, LightnEndY, LightnEndZ > ;
#declare BlobPosition = LightnStart ;
#declare Amp = 0.04 ; // Amplitude of 'waves'
threshold 0.6
sphere { <0,0,0>, StrengthVal, RadiusVal
scale Scale
translate LightnStart
///// Add random blob closer to lightnEnd
#while (vlength(BlobPosition - LightnEnd) > 0.1)
#declare Rx=rand(R1); #declare Ry=rand(R1); #declare Rz=rand(R1);
#declare BlobPosition = ( BlobPosition + (<0.5-Rx, 0.5-Ry,
0.5-Rz> * < Amp, Amp, Amp > ) ) ;
#if ( ( vlength(BlobPosition - LightnEnd) > vlength (LightnStart -
LightnEnd) ))
#declare BlobPosition = (BlobPosition -
( 2*(BlobPosition - LightnStart) )) ;
#declare LightnStart = BlobPosition ;
sphere { <0,0,0>, StrengthVal, RadiusVal
scale Scale
translate LightnStart
sphere { <0,0,0>, StrengthVal, RadiusVal
scale Scale
translate LightnEnd }
pigment{rgbt 1}interior{media{emission<1,5,5>*1 }}hollow
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