// Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer Scene Description File
// File: torii.pov
// Vers: MegaPov 0.7
// Desc:
// Date:
// Auth: Jonathan Rafael Ghiglia
#version unofficial MegaPov 0.7;
max_trace_level 10
// ----------------------------------------
#declare Location = <-2, 3, -4>;
#declare Look_at = <0, 0, 0>;
location Location
look_at Look_at
#declare area =off;
{ <4, 5, -5>
rgb <1, 1, 1>*3
fade_power 2
fade_distance 5 #if (area) area_light 1*x,1*y,7,7 jitter adaptive 1
orient #end
// ----------------------------------------
plane { y, 0
pigment { color rgb 1 }
finish { ambient 0 diffuse 0.5 specular 0.2 roughness 0.015 reflection
0.2 }
#macro r_ring (rag,num,mayor,minor,max_inc,t_ring,Seed)
#declare ring = torus {major, minor}
#declare step = 360/num;
#declare i=1;
#declare ang=0;
#while (i<=num)
object { ring
texture {t_ring translate 5*rand(Seed)}
#declare inc=max_inc*rand(Seed);
rotate z*inc
rotate 360*rand(Seed)*y
translate <rag,major*sin(radians(inc))+minor,0>
rotate ang*y}
#declare ang = ang + step;
#declare i=i+1;
#declare major = 0.3;
#declare minor = 0.03;
//----------gold, brass or what?-------
#declare t_gold = texture { wrinkles scale 0.1 warp {reset_children}
texture_map {
[0 pigment { rgb <1,.6,.2>}
finish {ambient 0 diffuse 0.3 reflection_max 0.6
reflection_min 0.3 reflect_metallic metallic
specular 1 roughness 0.01}
normal {dents 0.35 scale 0.05}]
[1 pigment {rgb <1,.65,.3>}
finish {ambient 0 diffuse 0.35 reflection_max 0.5
reflection_min 0.2 reflect_metallic metallic
specular .7 roughness 0.04}
normal {dents 0.5 scale 0.01}]} }
//----------simple metal-------
#declare t_metal = texture { wrinkles scale 0.1 warp {reset_children}
texture_map {
[0 pigment { rgb <1,.93,.9>}
finish {ambient 0 diffuse 0.2 reflection_max 0.7
reflection_min 0.4 reflect_metallic metallic
specular 1 roughness 0.007 }
normal {dents 0.35 scale 0.05}]
[1 pigment {rgb <.915,.85,.85>}
finish {ambient 0 diffuse 0.3 reflection_max 0.6
reflection_min 0.3 reflect_metallic metallic
specular .7 roughness 0.02 }
normal {dents 0.5 scale 0.01}]} }
//------------simple rusty metal----
#declare t_rusty = texture {bozo warp {turbulence 0.8 } scale 0.2 warp
{reset_children} texture_map {
[0 t_metal][0.6 t_metal]
[0.7 pigment {granite color_map {[0
rgb <.8,.4,.2>*.8][1 rgb <.8,.5,.1>*.8]} scale 0.1}
finish {ambient 0 diffuse 0.5
specular 0.3 roughness 0.01 metallic}
normal {granite 0.5 scale 0.1}]
[1 pigment {granite color_map {[0
rgb <.8,.4,.2>*.8][1 rgb <.8,.5,.1>*.8]} scale 0.1}
finish {ambient 0
diffuse 0.5 specular 0.3 roughness 0.01 metallic}
normal {granite 0.5
scale 0.1}]
//-------iridescent metal---------
#declare A=seed(123);
#declare m_r=0.3; // 0.2 or 0.1 maybe is better
#declare t_irid = texture { wrinkles scale 0.1 warp {reset_children}
texture_map {
[0 pigment { wrinkles color_map {#declare n=100;
#declare i=0;#while (i<=1) [i rgb
nd(A)>] #declare i=i+1/n;#end }scale 0.05 }
finish {ambient 0 diffuse 0.2 reflection_max 0.7
reflection_min 0.4 reflect_metallic metallic
specular 1 roughness 0.007}
normal {dents 0.35 scale 0.05}]
[1 pigment { wrinkles color_map {#declare n=100;
#declare i=0;#while (i<=1) [i rgb
r*rand(A)>] #declare i=i+1/n;#end }scale 0.05 }
finish {ambient 0 diffuse 0.3 reflection_max 0.6
reflection_min 0.3 reflect_metallic metallic
specular .7 roughness 0.02}
normal {dents 0.5 scale 0.01}]} }
#declare t_ring = t_irid
#declare Seed = seed(0);
#declare num = 15;
#declare max_inc=50;
#declare rag = 2;
#while (rag<=10)
#declare num = 2*pi*rag*(15/(4*pi));
union {r_ring (rag,num,major,minor,max_inc,t_ring,Seed) }
#declare rag= rag+1;
sphere {0,1
scale 1
translate 1*y
texture {t_ring} }
box {-1,1
scale 12
pigment {color rgb <1, 1, 1>}
finish { ambient 0 diffuse 0.5 specular 0.2 roughness 0.015 reflection
0.2 }
//end of file
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